Hu Xijin's stocks were set.

Huoxi, the former editor -in -chief of Global Times, who has announced the entry into China A shares two months ago, entered Thursday (August 24) and posted on Weibo that 300,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about 55,700 new new new new new new new (below, the same, about 55,700 new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new new.Yuan) stock trading funds lost 9050 yuan.

Although the money in the account is not enough, the binding bank card has no money, but Hu Xijin said that he "really didn't panic."He also asked his friends to help money, charge the stock account, and add two stocks to two stocks before the closed market.

Hu Xijin said that although it may have to pay higher time costs than the original expected time, he firmly believes that he will not lose in the end.

Hu Xijin is also equipped with a screenshot of his current stock trading account with his current 310,000 yuan stock account, saying that one of his two stocks he made up on the same day has fallen from 12%to less than 0.5%, and anotherOne is his second largest stock, but he is confident in the rebound of this stock in the future.

Hu Xijin is equipped with a screenshot of stock trading accounts with a stock of 310,000 yuan in the post.(Internet)

Hu Xi entered the journey of stocks that open high and low and walk away

Hu Xijin, who has always been able to grasp the official attitude, announced the entry into the Chinese stock market on June 26 this year. At that time, the Chinese stock market was unclear, the A -share continued to decline, and the Shanghai index also fell to the lowest point in the year.

As soon as he entered the market, Hu Xijin experienced a "roller coaster" journey that Chinese retail investors must pass.On the first day of stocks, he earned 104.7 yuan. The next day, the profit increased to 226.43 yuan. On the third day, he lost more than 900 yuan. On the fourth day, the loss was reduced to about 282 yuan. On the fifth day, the loss was about 2829 yuan.

Hu Xijin, who had tasted the sweetness when he first came out, stated that he would continue to increase the position and increase the position from the original 100,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan.

In the first month, Hu Xijin updated the stocks of stocks almost every working day.Even if he encounters "Waterloo", he will insist that he is full of confidence in the prospects of the Chinese stock market and believes that he can recover losses soon.

The picture shows that Hu Xijin's stock trading transcript announced on July 3rd. On the same day, he successfully recovered the decline of the day before, and profit was 2829 yuan.(Hu Xi entered Weibo)

Hu Xijin, who played the stock, also posted a Weibo on July 10, "The stock price should become one of the assessment indicators for the person in charge of the state -owned enterprise."He said that what attitude is holding state -owned enterprise stocks should constitute an element of evaluation of the person in charge of state -owned enterprise.

This suggestion has made Hu Xijin feel good, and many netizens praise him with small and medium investors to stand together for them; but some netizens believe that stocks should be handed over to the market decision, "Why don't you think you think you should do?What do you do. "

After the flood in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other places, Hu Xijin stopped the stock notes for a week.It was not until August 4 that he wrote that he would no longer update notes and stock market transcripts every day, so as to make himself more focused on how to make long -term returns.

Hu Xijin did not announce the transcript of stock trading on the day, but he emphasized that he would definitely not leave the stock market and will continue to increase the position."" ".

Hu Xijin said that his dream is to break the reincarnation that can break the Chinese stock market to a certain point, so that the stock market will continue to rise in a "slow cow" way.He also promised that his position will continue to increase, and it will be relatively stable after reaching a certain scale, but he will never sell it at a high point, but only switch between stocks.

Three weeks later, Hu Xijin posted a message on August 22 to rumors that he had settled away, and reiterated that "since I am coming to the stock market, I will never go away."

Hu Xijin said that in the past two days, he has experienced the real storm of the stock market as a new shareholder in the past two days, with a floating loss of 5378 yuan.However, he believes that China's policy of promoting the development of the private economy and promoting the active capital market will gradually occur, and it should not continue to explore according to the logic stock market.

He said: "When the economy is in difficulty in this country, when society and the stock market are confident, I want to do my best to do my best."

Whether it is a high -profile announcement in June, or an optimistic statement in the prospects of the Chinese stock market in the past two months, Hu Xijin seems to want to stabilize the Chinese stock market to the Chinese stock market with the experience of his own stock market in the Chinese stock market.Faith, attract more investors to the market with their own traffic.

However, Hu Xi has shouted three times and five times for China's economic and stock market confidence. Not only did he not persuade some netizens to follow his footsteps to enter the stock market to "dance", but attracted many ridicule.Some netizens said: "The losses of people with a sensitive sense of smell are expanding. Why are other retails with asymmetric information?"

There is also a sarcasm of praise comments.Some netizens also criticized Hu Xijin without talking about the stock market itself, but talked about the righteousness of the nation. "There are people like you every day, not good."

But the comments of these netizens were quickly blocked, and the posts from Hu Xi's entering Wednesday were reportedly deleted for the "rollover" of the comment area.

Is there a halo blessing for celebrities?

Hu Xi's stock marketing has become the topic of public opinion. A series of macroeconomic data in China continues to be optimistic, consumption, manufacturing, import and export data have fallen across the board, and public loans and financing will no longer.According to data from the People's Bank of China, the increase in social financing in July plummeted from 4.22 trillion yuan in June to 528.2 billion yuan, and the increase in RMB loans also plummeted by 89%month -on -month.

The weak domestic demand has led to poor profitability of the company. Investors, enterprises and consumers have a decline in confidence in China's economic prospects, and foreign capital is also accelerating the selling of Chinese stocks and bonds.

The recently released macroeconomic data released by China has continued to be optimistic, and consumption, manufacturing, and import and export data have declined across the board.The picture shows the Shanghai Lujiazui gathered by financial institutions.(Reuters)

According to the Financial Times reported on August 17, after calculating the trading traffic of Shanghai -Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen -Hong Kong Stock Connect, it was found that the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China released signals to support the economy on July 24.More than 54 billion yuan of Chinese stocks, but now it has been sold almost.

As of the close of August 23, the three major A -share indexes have fallen, of which the Shanghai Index fell 1.34%, the Shenzhen Index fell 2.14%, and the GEM index fell 2.3%.

People with heads and faces enter the market in ChinaIt is very common that when some celebrities announced that they entered the market, they often drive a wave of traffic, but this wave of traffic does not necessarily allow them to make them in the turbulent stock market.

CCTV financial anchor Li Yuzhang, who has hosted the trading time market analysis room, revealed in the interview in 2013 in 2013 that he had lost a lot of money because of stocks, from the beginning of the little bit to the depth, even the dowry, even the dowry, even the dowry, and even the dowry.The money is lost.

CCTV financial anchor Li Yuxi revealed in 2013 that he lost all the dowry money because of stock trading.(CCTV)

In the film and television industry, Chen He, Guan Xiaotong, Zheng Kai and other stars have frequently invested in catering brands that have been invested in cross -border investment in the past two years. These examples also show that celebrity halo can bring traffic, but may not be able to bring traffic in the cruel business world.Bring profit.

Hu Xijin's high -profile stock trading has indeed aroused a spark from the perspective of public opinion.However, in the moment when China's economic downturn and serious investor confidence, this silk spark is obviously difficult to reverse the slump of the stock market and form a motivation to increase the market.

Hu Xijin, who loses 9,000 yuan, is constantly increasing. Lao Hu will eventually break the curse of the Chinese stock market. It is still the embarrassment of the difficulty of riding a tiger in the bottomless stock market. It is still unknown.However, this round of adversity entered the scene, but the net red media made enough attention and traffic.