China Taekwondo Association announced a punishment for a Taekwondo club.Because the club performed a dance imitating the Qing Dynasty zombies in a Taekwondo competition in South Korea.

According to the Chinese website of the Broadcasting Corporation, the 2023 World Taekwondo Contest hosted by the Korean National Technical Institute was held in South Korea from July 21st to 24th.The organizer said that more than 4,000 Taekwondo players in nearly 60 countries participated.

China's team named "X-Taekwondo Pavilion" also participated in the competition and won the championship in the Taekwondo Gymnastics Senior Group.In the game, they were dressed as similar to the Qing Dynasty officials in the zombie movies, wearing black official uniforms, red official hats, and even fake braids on their hats.

In addition, they also incorporated the actions of zombies into the performance, including imitating zombies jump.

The China Taekwondo Association issued a statement on WeChat account on Monday (August 21) that the "X-Taekwondo Museum" operated by Shenzhen Aix Sports Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Guangdong Province, registered and registered for itselfHolding a tourist visa and going to South Korea to participate in the 2023 World Taekwondo Contest.

Statement pointed out that the coach Liu Hao of the "X-Taekwondo Museum" Liu Hao compiled and directed the "Zombie Taishu" to participate in the competition, and criticized the performance to promote the bad habits of the legacy, ugly national image, and blaspheme Chinese culture.Caused a bad impact.

Statement stated that the "X-Taekwondo Pavilion" will cancel the qualifications of the Chinese Taekwondo Association member qualification level examination and the qualifications for participating in the national Taekwondo related events, cancel the registration of coaches Liu Hao, and prohibit Liu Hao from participating in China Taekwondo.The training competitions organized by the association ordered the Guangdong Provincial Taekwondo Association to conduct inspections, as well as canceling the Guangdong Provincial Taekwondo Association and the Shenzhen Taekwondo Association for three years to evaluate the qualifications within three years.

The China Taekwondo Association finally emphasized in the statement that the incident had a bad impact and profound lessons, and exposed a series of problems in the supervision and cultural construction of the China Taekwondo Association.The Association will conduct a comprehensive investigation and rectification of the National Taekwondo Pavilion, strengthen the qualification review of employees in the Taekwondo industry, strengthen industry supervision and style construction, and deepen the core values of socialism and the education of Chinese excellent traditional culture.