(Beijing Bloomberg) officials of the China National Internet Information Office met with dozens of foreign companies such as Wal -Mart and Paypal, trying to alleviate foreign companies' doubts about the new data security law.

People familiar with the matter said that officials of the Internet information room accepted questions to provide guidelines on how to ensure compliance by the end of November and acknowledge the challenges in the exit of sensitive information.One of the people familiar with the matter also said that the two sides discussed the creation of a fast approval mechanism for regular data outbound exit, and formulated a "white list" for data categories and even specific companies.

The new data security law has triggered universal anxiety in foreign companies, and even a small number of cases have even caused huge changes.Dacheng Law Firm diverted its Chinese business this month. At the same time, Morgan Stanley transferred more than 200 technical developers of about one -third of his technical team from mainland China.The new data security regulations give government power to impose a penalty for the disclosure or improper processing of sensitive information.

Carolyn Bigg, the head of the Asian data privacy and network security team, said that every company in various industries in China must figure out how to comply with data regulations because of the business in China, becausePunishment on violations may be very severe.

On the occasion of re -reviving the economy, Beijing has recently proposed friendly plans for foreign companies and private enterprises.The Chinese State Council put forward a 24 -point opinion of further optimizing the foreign investment environment last weekend that includes "convenient data cross -border liquidity security management mechanisms", which aims to solve the long -term doubts of foreign companies in China.According to a policy document released online, the measures include "establishing green channels for qualified foreign -invested enterprises."