Du Naisong, a well -known Chinese archeologist Du Naisong, died of a well -known East Han bronze ware "Ma Steel Feiyan" as a Chinese national treasure -level utensil. At the age of 86, he died on Thursday (June 22).

According to China News Network, the Palace Museum issued a report on Thursday that Du Naisong died in Beijing at 5:34 on the 22nd.Du Nai (Yin Tong "Nai") Song is also an ancient textist, a research and appraisal of the bronze wares, a member of the Palace Museum Research Museum, a member of the Academic Committee of the Palace Museum, a senior librarian of the Central Cultural and History Research Museum, a member of the National Cultural Relics Appraisal Committee, and the Government of the State Council.Special allowance expert.

Public information shows that after graduating from the archeological major of Peking University in 1962, Du Naisong worked at the Palace Museum and participated in the systematic arrangement and appraisal of the Bronze Bronze in the Palace Museum.

Du Naisong is mainly engaged in ancient bronzes, ancient texts, and academic theoretical research and cultural relics appraisal of the archeology of Shang, Zhou and Qinhan., Changxin Palace Lantern, etc. In this appraisal project, is fixed as a national treasure -level cultural relic.

The post -mother Wu Ding, who is now hidden in the National Museum of China, is also re -inter -generation. It has been revised to verify that his casting age was the early period of Yinxu.It is of great significance.

Du Yansong's scientific research achievements include the establishment of the complete development and evolution theoretical system of bronze and golden Wenwen, and achieved various scientific research results such as Jinwen Examination and Research.His main works include ancient Chinese bronze dictionary Chinese bronze developed history of ancient bronze in the history of ancient bronzes and bronze culture theory.