Chinese media quoted fund companies and third -party fund agency sales platform reports that according to regulatory requirements, the fund's real -time valuation function will be offline. Fund companies need to complete the relevant system transformation before June 16th and estimate in the lower shelf.Value service.

The Securities Times reported on Thursday (June 8) that industry insiders revealed that the real -time valuation of the fund was required to be offline because the function required the fund company to provide real -time positioning data, involving data compliance and data differences.The two major issues also involve the guidance of fund investment concepts.

Industry insiders said that the real -time valuation of the fund was initially proposed by the sales platform mainly based on the C -side retail, because this better cater to the pursuit of the pursuit of the pursuit of the people, which may lead to irrationalism, which may lead to irrationalism.The addition and subtraction of warehouses.In addition, the real -time valuation of the fund may also lead to a strong channel for unreasonable disclosure of the fund company.

According to BloomberRaising sharply.At the same time, the atmosphere of "stir -frying the fund as stocks" was also contrary to the concept of being committed to guiding investors' value investment.

Bloomberg quoted Liu Yiqian, the person in charge of the business leader of the Shanghai Securities Fund Evaluation and Research Center. This move can avoid some customers from conducting arbitrage transactions based on real -time valuations, or avoiding some investors from being affected by real -time valuations.Frequent trading of chasing and killing and falling to reduce the frequency of attention to valuations. Generally speaking, it is beneficial to investors to form a value concept of long -term investment, thereby improving investors' investment experience.

Yang Ruyi, general manager of the Investment Investment, also said that the estimated net value may increase the emotional changes of ordinary investors. When the actual net worth does not meet the expectations, investors are prone to negative emotions, so that they will not happen or not.Reasonable positioning.

In the past year, due to the impact of crown disease epidemic, economic growth is facing pressure, and uncertain factors such as superimposed geography. The overall lack of money in the Chinese A -share market has also caused the public fund marketThe background of weak recovery is still fragile and has not been warmed.

Guohai Securities stated in the report that a total of 107 new public offering funds in China were established in May, with a total issuance scale of 71.594 billion yuan (about 13.527 billion yuan)Essence