Many cafeterias at China Civil Aviation University have been fined without authorization, and they are required to strengthen management.

According to the WeChat "Air Tube Youth" of the Youth League Committee of the School of Air Transportation Management of the School of Civil Aviation University of China (June 5), the Catering Management Center of AVIThe serious handling of the cafeteria reported that recently received a reflection of high prices of students in the cafeteria complaints, and the school attached great importance to it.After investigation, it was found that some cafeteria did have an act of increasing prices for some dishes without reporting.

According to the report, the Catering Management Center of AVIC Industry Company decided to deal with the prices and business managers seriously.Specific measures include the fact that the cafeteria that has raised dishes without authorization is fined 3,000 yuan (RMB, Same as S $ 568) per price for each price increase.The South Campus Halal Etarios reward 2,000 yuan.The penalties are included in the Catering Management Center Award and Penalty Fund, which is specially used to improve the dietary work of students.

Other measures also have four people with four catering management centers with specific supervision responsibilities, with a fine of 2,000 yuan per person; the relevant punishment situation will report to the headquarters of each catering company and ask each headquarters to proposeStrengthen management rectification measures.