(Teguscalba Composite Electric) The Chinese Embassy in Hongdu in Hongdu held an opening ceremony of the museum in Togoshiga, the capital of Hong State within three months after the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries (June 5).Honduras President Castro will visit Beijing on Tuesday (6) and will meet with Chinese officials. The two parties will sign a series of memo, documents and framework agreements.

Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, Reuters, Agence France -Presse and other reports, the temporary office of the Chinese Embassy in Honduraz was in waves, and unveiled the embassy with the Hondulas Foreign Minister Enrique Reina.The second vice president of Honduras, Doris Gurlez, government officials and representatives of the parliament, representatives of foreign envoys in the Hong Foreign Embassy and International Organizations, and representatives of Chinese -funded institutions and overseas Chinese representatives attended the opening ceremony.

Yu Bo's speech said: "A China" principle is the general consensus and recognized international relations criteria for the international community.decision.

Honduras broke diplomatic relations with Taiwan in March this year and established diplomatic relations with mainland China.On March 26, the two countries signed a joint bulletin of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras on establishing diplomatic relations, and decided to recognize each other from the date of signing the bulletin and establish ambassador -level diplomatic relations.Honduras is the 182th China establishment of diplomatic relations in China.

Reina pointed out that the establishment of diplomatic relations with China is the independent decision of Honduras, which helps the country to develop diversified international relations and join the world's mainstream.Honduras will firmly adhere to the principle of China, hoping that Hongzhong and China will jointly promote trade cooperation to improve the infrastructure of Hong State, help reduce poverty, create employment opportunities, strengthen the well -being of the people, and promote social prosperity.

He revealed that before the start of the negotiations between the free trade agreement between the two parties, China has opened the imports of Gourd, shrimp, banana and other products imported from Honduras.

President Castro will start her first visit to China from 6th to 13th.She appointed Honduras Pharmacist Moncada as the Honduras Ambassador to China on Friday (2nd) local time.