Visa service agency data shows that as of May 20, 2023, China's overall visa application volume reached 35%of the same period before the epidemic in 2019.

澎湃新闻记者星期二(6月6日)从签证服务机构威孚仕VFSGlobal签证中心媒体沟通会获悉,中国游客签证申请需求量较大的目的地包括加拿大、德国、意大利、Britain and the United States.Among the countries closer to China, Japan, South Korea and Thailand have a large demand.

Kishen Singh, the chief operating officer of Mongolia (including Hong Kong) and Mongolia, said, "China is experiencing business restart and visa applications at the same time. As of the end of May 2023,We have reopened 80%of the visa application center in China to meet the requirements of visa application for the backlog of the Chinese market. "

He also said that at present, we can see that Chinese tourists have a strong recovery of overseas travel in 2023.Since March 2023, visa demand is strong and the number of reservations has increased. It is expected that the number of travel demand this year will continue to maintain a high level.