Officials from the National Development and Reform Commission of China pointed out that building a national unified market is a complex systematic project. It is necessary to demolish the fences that restrict the construction of a unified large market, but also replace the fence soil.

Li Chun, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, introduced the preliminary results of the construction of a national unified market at a routine briefing meeting on Monday (June 5) at the State Council.This is the first time that the official Chinese official issued a opinion on accelerating the construction of a national unified market in April last year, the relevant ministries and commissions have disclosed related progress for the first time.

Li Chunlin has summarized the work done by various departments in various places in four aspects, including abolition, revision and correction of policies and measures that hinder unified markets and fair competition, and in improving property rights, market access, fair competition, credit, etc.Introduced a number of supporting policies, made positive progress in key areas such as the implementation of stock issuance registration systems, and rectified a number of outstanding issues, including increasing the investigation and punishment of the abuse of administrative power, restricting competitive behavior, and carried out violations of enterprises involving enterprises.Special rectification of charge issues.

The Development and Reform Commission will then promote multi -pronged pipelines to promote the construction of a unified market in the country to achieve substantial progress.Measures to be effective.

Li Chunlin emphasized that building a national unified market is a complex systematic project. It is necessary to carry out special governance for outstanding issues and demolish the fences that restrict the construction of a unified unified market.The mechanism and supporting system will cultivate soils that are conducive to the construction of a national unified market.In other words, it is necessary to disassemble the fence and change the soil breeding.

Zhu Cambridge, director of the Comprehensive Planning Department of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Management, who attended the same field, said that the eliminating local protection and administrative monopoly is a key task and key measure to accelerate the construction of a national unified market.In the next step, the General Administration of Market Supervision will accelerate the formulation of fair competition review regulations, conduct in -depth special actions of antitrust law enforcement in the field of people's livelihood, continue to carry out competition advocates, and promote the flow of commodity factors in a larger scale.

In May 2020, the Chinese Communist Party's decision -making level proposed a new development pattern of mutual promotion of domestic large -cycle and domestic and international dual cycles.The construction of a unified market operation program promulgated one year later is considered a specific policy to build internal circulation.However, some overseas investors are worried that this will accelerate the progress of China's economy and the outside world.

Zhou Qiang, director of the Marketing Department of the Ministry of Commerce, emphasized at the hair dryer that the unified market is a global and open market, which will definitely provide a better environment and a larger stage for various market entities including foreign companies.He promises that the Ministry of Commerce will make a reasonable reduction in the negative list of foreign capital access in the next step, further cancel or relax the restrictions of foreign investment access, and continue to expand market access.

Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang presided over the executive meeting of the State Council on May 19 to specialize in the implementation of the overall work plan and recent measures of the construction of unified market deployment.On June 2nd, the National Council also mentioned that in terms of relaxation of market access, promoting fair competition, protecting intellectual property rights, and building unified markets, it is necessary to accelerate the launch of policy measures with strong targeted and high gold content in batches.

Wang Jun, chief economist of Huatai Assets, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. Unlike the short -term macro -control policies such as finance and currency, the main purpose of building a unified market is not to alleviate the cyclical fluctuations of the economy.Promoting the role.However, through in -depth reforms and opening up systems and structural problems, it can stimulate national development potential and improve long -term economic operation stability.

Wang Jun pointed out that the current market supervision rules are not perfect, and they have some discrimination against private enterprises and foreign capital. Local protectionism is still prevalent. These have hindered market functions and the efficiency of resource allocation.These unfair and unified behaviors need to be reforming urgently to promote the construction of a unified market.