In response to the DPP recently broke out sexual harassment disputes, Taiwan Vice President and Chairman of the DPP Lai Qingde apologized for three consecutive days, saying that the DPP will face each case seriously, and will not be due to the election considerations.Some changes.

According to the Taiwan Wind Media report, Lai Qingde was interviewed before attending the meeting of the Public Health Division Guild Conference on Saturday (June 3) in the morning that the DPP sexual equity incident must again follow the victims and Taiwan society again.Apologize.At the same time, I would like to thank the victims to stand up bravely, because in the face of workplace bullying and sexual flat incidents, it is absolutely unnecessary to focus on the overall situation. Your personal safety and rights are the most important.

He emphasized that the DPP will face each case seriously and will not change due to the election factors; as for whether Li Zhenghao and others with doubt about sexual doubt will withdraw from the legislators election, Lai Qingde said, saying, saying thatRegardless of the party nomination or cooperation object, we must accept strict social inspection.

Lai Qingde said that in order to solve the sexual equity incident in the DPP party in the past and now, and to avoid similar incidents in the future, the DPP has carried out three party affairs innovations, including establishing a direct appeal appeal toPipelines, adhere to the principles of zero tolerance treatment, and modify the internal regulations of the party, strengthen the DPP -sex mechanism, establish a more friendly working environment, and avoid similar situations.

The Democratic Progressive Party recently broke out at least five sexual harassment cases, causing strong tarts inside and outside the party.Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen also apologized for this on Friday (June 2), saying that he was the former chairman of the party and called on the outside world not to do excessive political operations; Chen Jianren, the president of Taiwan, also said that whether it is a political party or a governmentOrgans and private groups are definitely zero tolerance for sexual harassment or sexual assault.