In response to the intelligence department of the British Ministry of Defense, China will compete more directly with the United Kingdom in many areas. It is estimated that by 2030, China will have the biggest challenge to Britain's overseas interests and economic security. The Chinese embassy in the UK will speakWhen people responded, they urged the British side to stop spreading anti -China remarks, stop inciting confrontation and confrontation, and avoid bringing astronomy in Sino -British relations.

According to the news released on Wednesday (May 31) of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, a spokesman said that the above -mentioned remarks of British intelligence officials are purely unbelievable and malicious slander.Even the British people will not believe it.

The spokesman said that the British people know where the challenges of Britain now and in the future, and said that many British people are constantly asking British politicians, what they have done to reduce high inflation and life.Cost, improve British productivity, and promote the development of the British economy in the future?Why do they always obstruct Chinese and low -cost products and Chinese investment that brings taxes and employment in the United Kingdom?Will they still make mistakes such as Iraq and Afghanistan in the future?

The spokesman pointed out that the fact that the development of China will only bring more opportunities to countries around the world and will not pose a threat or challenge to any country.Attacking China cannot solve Britain's own problem.The Chinese side advised the British to spend more time to find out the real challenges facing Britain, think about how to deal with those challenges, and urge the British side to stop spreading anti -Chinese remarks, stop inciting confrontation and confrontation, and avoid bringing astrology in Sino -British relations.

According to the British Financial Times report on Wednesday, the British Defense Ministry of Defense Berd said on Tuesday (May 30) in a think tank speech that China is expected to start from 2030 to the overseas interests of BritainAnd the most significant challenge for economic security.

He said that China will compete more directly with Britain and will be able to disrupt and damage key technology and material supply chains, including microprocessors, semiconductors and rare earth elements.China's military, intelligence, space, and information science and technology capabilities are increasing day by day."We evaluated that by 2030, China will have the biggest challenge to Britain's overseas interests and economic security."