Tesla's top power owner who lasted two years sued Tesla's case of infringement of reputation and Tesla's violation of personal privacy.Tesla victory.

According to the Southern Metropolis Daily report on Friday (May 26), the relevant civil judgment shows that in response to Ms. Zhang's prosecution of Tesla's infringement of reputation, the court believes that the Tesla car purchased by Ms. ZhangA traffic accident occurred one year later, and she questioned the quality of the product. Due to the failure of the product quality disputes, Ms. Zhang stopped the accident vehicle that sprayed the word "brake failure" to a public place."The shirt is on the top of the exhibition car to disturb the public order.

Tesla Beijing Company and staff members of the "team", "whitewashing", "she are only willing to compensate" and other content mentioned in the interview with the media.The narrative of related facts in the process of communication and coordination and the response to Ms. Zhang's claims. Although the wording is not rigorous enough, it has not used insulting words, and has not deliberately degraded and ugly.The company, Tesla Shanghai, etc. violated their reputation.The court did not support the lawsuit request of Ms. Zhang.

In response to Ms. Zhang's case of violating her personal privacy in Ms. Zhang, the court pointed out that after the negotiation between the two parties failed, Tesla responded to Ms. Zhang's questioning.During the interview, the case of the case, including the frame number, the vehicle data involved in the vehicle accident is provided to the market supervision newspaper with text description.In terms of text description, it only describes and explained the relevant data, and it cannot be associated with Ms. Zhang's personal private information.

In addition, before Tesla's processing of the information, Ms. Zhang herself has publicized the vehicle data involved in the case on Weibo.Public marks that the above behavior implemented by Tesla and the Market Supervision News Agency is not illegal. When dealing with the public information that has been disclosed, it does not exceed the reasonable range and does not cause the personal information of Ms. Zhang.Regarding Ms. Zhang's claim that Tesla will selectively and openly maliciously guide public opinion in selecting incomplete driving data and infringe on her legitimate rights and interests, and lacks facts and legal basis, the court will not accept it.The behavior of the Tesla and the Market Supervision News Agency did not constitute infringement of Ms. Zhang's personal information. Therefore, the court did not support the lawsuit claimed by Ms. Zhang.

Tesla said that the content of the judgment is subject to the content of the judgment, and other issues will not be responded.

In addition, another dispute between Ms. Zhang and Tesla, that is, Tesla complained that Ms. Zhang violated the right to reputation and claimed a case of 5 million yuan (about 1 million yuan).The trial will be opened on June 6.

There are two young women wearing a white T -shirt with "braking failure" and Tesla logo. At the Shanghai Auto Show held in April 2019, they defended their rights in front of the Tesla booth.One of the women named Zhang climbed to the exhibition car and shouted loudly: "Tesla's brakes fail".This move caused a violent criticism of Chinese official media to Tesla, and the company later apologized for failing to resolve the complaint in time and properly.