Five TIKTOK users in Montana, USA filed a lawsuit against the Federal Court, demanding that the state's new ban on TIKTOK.

According to Reuters, Governor of Montana, Jen Forts, signed the Tiktok Act on Wednesday to prohibit Tiktok from operating in the state.The above -mentioned five users filed a lawsuit on Wednesday (May 17) in the U.S. District Court of Lairen in the United States.They believe that the state tries to "exercise the national security power that Montana does not have" and violate their right to first amendment.

Five plaintiffs are residents of Montana, including a swimsuit designer of the company with Tiktok; a former U.S. Marine Corps who contacted the veterans with TIKTOK; a release of a release;Ranch owner of outdoor adventure content; a student who also shared outdoor adventure content; and a man who posted humorous videos and received income.

A spokesperson for the prosecutor of Montana State Knuzsen responded that it was ready to deal with the lawsuit. "We expect to encounter legal challenges and have fully prepared to defend the law."

Montana announced on Wednesday that it will prohibit Tiktok from operating in the state from January 1 next year, which is also the first state to disable Tiktok in the United States.

According to the new law published on the official website of Montana, Google and Apple App Stores must not provide TIKTOK applications in the state.The decree clarify that every time users use Tiktok, get access or download Tiktok services, Tiktok or app stores are illegal, and each time will face a fine of $ 10,000 (about S $ 13,400) per day.