The Seventh -way Group (G7) summit this year is about to start on Friday (May 19).

Kishida, who had been a Japanese foreign minister for many years, has increasingly revealed his ambition to international diplomacy.Over the past two months, Kishida has visited India, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique and Singapore, South Korea. His "listening journey" footprint includes developed economies and Africa, which reflects Kishida to understand the ideas of various countries and seriously attract the world.Southern countries and do more homework in order to achieve more results in G7 home diplomacy.

According to the information disclosed by the Japanese and the US media this week, the results of the G7 summit are intended to strengthen the enhanced nuclear non -diffusion system on the first day of the G7 summit;Pointing to China.

It is said that Kishida has made requests to various countries, hoping to show a clear position on topics such as China with G7 as its core.Kobe, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council on Tuesday, is even more bluntly that the G7 will show unity and unanimously support Ukraine and further isolated Russia; it will also show unity to respond to China and "commonly dealt with common values based on common values" to cope with China's challenges.According to the latest news from the White House, US President Biden and Kishida will touch China's "coercion" and maintain peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

However, this may also indicate that all members of the G7 will eventually criticize China in the form of documents, because the G7 members' views on this issue are not consistent, and Europe has recently eased the tone opposite to China.Of course, it is certain that although China is not a member of the G7 and has not been invited to attend the summit, it is already one of the focus of the G7, an elephant who is not at the scene of the room.

In the absence of China, Kishida invited eight visiting countries to attend, including South Korea, Australia, India, Brazil, Vietnam and Indonesia in Asia, and the Koko and Cook Islands.

Another focus of the

G7 Summit was the Russian and Ukraine War.The Ukrainian President's Office confirmed on Wednesday that President Zelezki determined to participate in the meeting. As for the form of participation, it depends on the situation. In other words, Zelei Sky will go to Hiroshima to attend the meeting.

Zelei Sky also rushed from Saturday (May 13) before the G7 summit to Monday to visit the Fa, Italy, Yinghe Germany, and was warmly received by these countries.More military aid.Immediately afterwards, the Chinese government Eurasian affairs Li Hui visited Ukraine on Tuesday to launch the Chinese mediation of the Russian and Uchia crisis.

When Kishida and Zelei rushed, China was not idle.In the past 10 days, three high -level foreign -level foreign -level foreign chairman Han Zheng, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Qin Gang, a State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang, ran around in Europe.

In addition to Li Hui's European trip, Taiwanese media described as the "four sons" in China to "pull piles" in Europe.On the one hand, the United States has worked hard to "set up piles" worldwide, and on the other hand, China is "pulling piles", trying to stabilize Europe to prevent it from falling completely to the United States.

These dense movements have highlighted the current fierce changes in international geopolitics, and the international community is in an era of cooperation and division.Behind this, there is still a dispute between China and the United States, and both sides are trying to expand their own camps.Different from China is that in addition to the end of the United States, there are Japan and others.

However, the status of the United States has not caused less European countries in Japan and pro -American European countries.

Byndun can go to Hiroshima this time, Kishida will be relieved. This is not only to support the scene for Kishida, but more importantly, Biden can personally press the field to stabilize the G7 team.However, the crisis of unreasonable US debt defaults and the uncertainty of domestic politics in the United States always make its allies feel unruly.

The problem of decline in US credibility, Japan can see clearly.British economists reported in this issue that Japanese officials evaluated privately that the West has lagged behind China in chasing the global south; the West cannot persuade many developing countries, the international order led by the United States, and what benefits them are.Japanese officials have also heard many countries complaining about the domestic political commotion in the United States and the US trade protection policy. They are also worried that the ruling elites of many developing countries are more willing to deal with China, because China's decision -making is more stable, China is more able to infrastructure in infrastructureHelp, and less training.In contrast, the democratic preaching in the United States is particularly invalid.

In this context, Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter and said that the core of G7's efforts has been from value -oriented intangible output, turning to tangible shows based on trade and security.Assistant Secretary of State Brian Nichols, a assistant to the United States, also bluntly stated in the interview that Washington needs to explain how to achieve economic success, and at the same time, it is clear that China "some promises will not be fulfilled."

This may be the tactical adjustment prepared by the United States and its allies after an objective calm assessment.They realized that in the competition between China and the United States, the United States needs to benefit other countries more practically than China in order to exclude or isolate China.But China can also open some good conditions, such as China's huge market is difficult to ignore.

For developing countries, this may mean that their concerns will be taken seriously by major countries, but the pressure on the selection of small and medium -sized countries will continue to increase. Some of them may swing with interests, evenWait for the price.In the middle and long term, China and the United States will compete for a long time, and the actions around G7 may be just a prelude or epitome.