It is reported that the Seventh -way Group (G7) summit will be issued on China next week.The era of the National Group Number has passed, and it is obsessed with the "small circle".

The article pointed out that from the recent series of ministerial conferences of the Seventh Kingdom Group and the information released by the US -Japanese media in advance, the Seven -way Group Summit in Hiroshima, Japan cannot jump out of the Cold War Thinking of the opposing camp.Can't change the way of doing the way to oppress the weak country in the wealthy country.

The article says that although the Seven Kingdoms Group is still accustomed to putting on a posture of representing the international community, as the international pattern is deeply adjusted, the global influence of the Seventh Kingdoms has continued to decline.

The article believes that the Seven Kingdoms Group wants to push its values and standards to the world without moral foundation and realistic support.The chaos in the United States is overwhelming, political polarization, social tear, gun violence, and the gap between the rich and the poor have increased, and American democracy and human rights are surprising; Japan not only repeatedly breaks through the principle of "specialty defense" and deviates from the peace concept of the Japanese constitution.It also violates the obligation of international law to force the nuclear pollution water to discharge the sea; the scandal of the Canadian aboriginal boarding school is constantly fermented.The article quotes the Honorary Chairman of the Berlin Prussian Association, Honorary Chairman Formel Chapk sharply, pointed out that from a global perspective, the Seven Kingdoms Group is an old group.

The article said that in the face of the crisis of influence decline, the Seven Kingdoms Group not only did not reflect on its own problems, but was keen to force the presence. Entrying the various issues made by the United States to target other countries, add division to the world to add division to the world.And opposite.The Seven Kingdoms Group also cooperated with the United States to weave the false narrative of the so -called "democracy against authority", trying to incite ideological confrontation globally, causing widespread resentment in the international community.

The article mentioned that when the downward pressure on the world economy increased, this year's Seventh -way Group Summit was thrown out a topic- "Economic Security".From the analysis of media reports, the so -called "economic security" is nothing more than continuing to generally promote economic issues, ideology, and weapons, and promote the "small courtyard high wall" and "detachable chain" under the guise of "security".The purpose is to maintain its own advantages and do everything possible to curb the normal development of other countries.

The article criticizes that in the major issues related to the world economy and global development, the Seventh Kingdom Group is weak and incompetent.Giving the development of other countries stumbled up and engaged in "economic coercion", it can only make it even more unsight in the international community.

The article also criticized the United States to hold the Cold War thinking, addicted to the gang gangs and provoked the opposition of camps. Some countries in the Seven Kingdoms Group invested in the United States, but the heads of the United States are the first to become the United States.Different tools.

At the end of the article, the era of one country or a national group number has passed.A world of unity rather than division, peace, rather than the turbulent world meets the common interests of all mankind.The future of the Seventh Kingdoms Group is to work with the international community to deal with global challenges and promote peaceful development.Influence of "small circle", the influence of the Seventh Kingdoms Group will only be more slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly.

The Japanese media revealed earlier that from the 19th to 21st this month, the Seventh -way Group Summit was held in Hiroshima, Japan.Change the status quo and economic stress.

Reuters also quoted a U.S. officials that the leaders of the Seven Kingdoms Group will issue a statement at the Summit next week to express concerns about China's use of "economic stress" in overseas transactions.Another "economic security statement will talk more about the tools used to deal with these actions in China", including planning and coordination measures.