In March, the total share of RMB in Russia's foreign exchange market rose to 39%of the record, while the US dollar share fell to 34%.

According to the Russian satellite news agency reported on April 11, the financial market review report planned by the Central Bank of Russia announced the above data.

The report states that market participants continue to reduce the transaction volume of "toxic" currencies in the transaction.37%rose to 39%of the record.

The report also shows that the total monthly transaction volume of the Russian foreign exchange market rose from 6.7 trillion rubles in February (about S $ 110 billion) to 8.2 trillion rubles in March, with an average daily transaction volume of 375 billion yuanruble.

Russian news reports that the Russian experts had previously quoted Russian experts that before the end of this year, the transaction volume of the RMB in the Russian financial market may exceed the sum of the US dollar and euro.Sources said that the Russian Ministry of Finance began to replace the US dollar in market transactions as early as last year.In addition, about 60%of the Russian National Welfare Fund is stored in the form of RMB to prevent sanctions from risk that Russian assets are frozen.