The Kuomintang in the wild in Taiwan will generate a presidential candidate by calling. Now it is reported that Hou Youyi, the mayor of New Taipei, has been preparing to choose the president.Of course, it is ready. "However, the Kuomintang will announce the call at an appropriate time according to the subjective environment.

Comprehensive Central News Agency, Lianhe Daily, and Zhongshi News reported that the Kuomintang 2024 presidential candidate has not yet been released, but it is reported that Hou Youyi has been prepared.Earlier, Hou Youyi was ready to face the battle. Just waiting for the party's central government to call, it represents the Kuomintang to attack; there are also people inside the party saying that if the must be selected, Hou Youyi has reached eight points, and the other two -point variables come from the other two -point variables from the other two points.Hon Hai founder Guo Taiming.

In this regard, Zhu Lilun interviewed during the event held by the Kuomintang think tank on Tuesday afternoon, saying, "This party insiders are a bit layman." According to his understanding, Hou Youyi is certainly ready, but the Kuomintang will be prepared, but the Kuomintang will be prepared.According to the subjective environment, the call is announced at the right time.

Zhu Lilun believes that all county mayor, legislators, and advanced party members have been called, and the consensus within the party is very consistent, but they must not rely on the Kuomintang, but also have to unite friends with blue friends.

Zhu Lilun also said that the party has been completed in March in March. Now I hope to expand and unite, including pan -blue, non -green, and other colors.Announce the call.