Jiangsu requires urban investment in many places to strictly control the cost of financing, and the average cost of new financing projects is controlled within 6%.

According to the report on April 11, the Party Committee of the Gaoyou Economic Development Zone's notification on the situation of the Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee's special inspections and rectification exhibition, the rectification of the issue of "the growth rate of financing is too fast" mentioned.Strictly control the cost of financing, the average cost of new financing projects is controlled within 6%, and on the basis of ensuring the security scheduling of funds, the high -cost financing project is replaced by low -cost financing projects, and the expedited stock funds will be adjusted from current deposits to agreement deposits.

In the report of the Party Working Committee of the Baoying Economic Development Zone on the exhibition of the Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee's special inspections and rectification exhibition, "the party work committee of the development zone was out of control over financing debt, and has not been issued.The rectification of the issue of financing costs and enhanced capital supervision "mentioned that according to the unified deployment of cities and counties, through coordinating banks, the cost of all financing projects of the company has been completely dropped to 6%.

In the rectification of the issue of "the financing structure needs to be optimized, and the debt cost pressure drop" was mentioned, according to the requirements of municipal and county debt management and control, Dingrong products will no longer continue to be issued.The fusion products and compliance trust products are replaced, and the financing costs are strictly controlled within 6%.

In the report of the Party Working Committee of the Economic Development Zone on the Special Inspection and Reorganization of the Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee, the rectification of the issue of "preventing and resolving weak debt risks" was mentioned, and the management of financing plans was implemented.The three platform companies should take effective measures to control financing costs in accordance with the State -owned Assets Office of the Municipal Finance Bureau on the cost of financing.

Rectification on the issue of "high -cost debt financing" mentioned that strict implementation of the relevant provisions of the financing management of Yicheng City, the current new bank financing interest rateIt has been reported to the Municipal Financial Supervision Bureau, the Municipal Finance Bureau and the Financial Supervision Bureau to take the lead in the bank to strive for the financing interest rate of effective pressure and settlement platform companies.