Chinese representative on Friday (23rd) at the 51st session of the UN Human Rights Council opposed the state sanctions on Berlogs on the state of the country, and opposed to interfere with the internal affairs of the Beloos on the pretext of human rights.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese representatives said that China respects the development path of the White Ross based on its own national conditions and appreciates the progress of Bai in the field of human rights;Threat of sanctions and opposes external interference in the internal affairs.Some countries ignore the facts that Bai people cannot fully enjoy the human rights because of their unilateral coercive measures, and the results made by the White government to promote and protect human rights.The authorization of mechanism is that the approach is typically politically politically, which seriously exacerbates the confrontation of the Human Rights Council.

Chinese representatives pointed out that the Human Rights Council and the Human Rights College should abandon the "dual standards" and adhere to the principle of objective fairness.It should be reduced to some countries to rectify political tools.China calls on the Human Rights University to fully respect the authoritative information provided by the White government, urges relevant countries to stop sanctions on Bai Single, and play a constructive role for the development of white economic and social development and the people to play human rights.

Since the outbreak of the Russian -Ukraine conflict, Western countries such as the United States have not only imposed sanctions on Russia, but also imposed a series of sanctions measures on Berlos on the grounds of "assisted by White Ross".

The US Biden Government also limited the aircraft made by the United States owned, controlled or leased by the White Rose to Beloos. "This is the Action of Beros to support Russia's aggression in Ukraine. The United StatesPart of the response taken by the government ".

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with President Lokashenko with President Lucoshenko last week.The heads of state of the two countries decided to improve the positioning of bilateral relations into a comprehensive strategic partnership of all -weather.