(Singapore News) Singapore's Federation of Industry and Commerce organizes 53 Singaporean companies and six industry associations and chambers of commerce this year to participate in the China -ASEAN (Singapore's Kajia'an) Expo.

The 19th East Expo was held in Nanning, Guangxi, China from September 16th to 19th.According to a statement issued by the Singapore Industry and Commerce Federation (SBF) on Monday (September 19), 44 % of Singaporean companies participating in the exhibition at the East Expo this year also participated in the East Expo last year.

The theme of the Singapore Pavilion of the East Expo this year is "Xingyao Wanli, Shang Manchuanzhong", including the Singapore National Exhibition Hall, and the Singapore Commodity Trade Exhibition Hall, showing the role of Singapore as an interconnection hub, highlighting Asia Details and China to strengthen strengthening China and ChinaThe necessity of cooperation.

The Singapore Pavilion shows the new Chinese government cooperation projects and national cooperation projects; 33 Singapore companies in the fields of logistics, real estate, and financial services show products and services in the National Exhibition Hall of Singapore.The Singapore Commodity Trade Pavilion shows a high -quality Singaporean enterprise in the catering, retail and service industry.