(Beijing News) Prime Minister Li Keqiang of the State Council of China promised on Wednesday (August 31) that the Chinese government's policy tools that have "can use" in the early two years to stabilize the economy and will "do everything out of September in early September"Details of the economic continuation policy.

Use the "decentralized service" reform method to promote stable economic policy supporting

According to CCTV news reports, Li Keqiang admitted that the current difficulties encountered in some aspects of the current market player were more difficult than the outbreak of the epidemic."Timely and decisive" launched a package of stability and continuation policies. This year's tax refund and fee reduction and fees have exceeded 2020 years, and a strong investment in investment promotes consumption policy.He said that to maintain economic operation in a reasonable range and strive to fight for the best results, but did not mention the goal of about 5.5%of the annual economic growth.

Li Keqiang said that the current economic recovery is important, and it is important to accelerate the release of policy efficiency. It is required to use "decentralization of service" (simplified administration and decentralization, combining management, and optimization services).The continuous policy rules should be out in early September, focusing on expanding effective demand and consolidating the foundation of economic recovery.

The Chinese government announced another 19 new policies last week, including increasing the amount of policy bank financing instruments 300 billion yuan (S $ 60.8 billion).Introduce a series of stable economic measures.

Li Keqiang also pointed out that on the basis of the use of more than 300 billion yuan in policy development financial instruments, it expands the scale according to actual needs, meets qualified mature projects to meet funding needs, and avoid projects such as projects.