Lu Xi, assistant professor of the School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, pointed out in the Lianhe Morning Post that this late report will not have a significant impact on China's international image."It only confirms the view of Western society in China's policies in the form of documents. It has not much different from the expectations of the outside world, and there are no new discussions."

Bachelet, a senior commissioner of the United Nations Human Rights, issued a Xinjiang Human Rights Report on the eve of his departure, saying that China has committed "seriously infringe human rights acts" on the Minority of Xinjiang ethnic minorities on the grounds of counter -terrorism and anti -polarism.China expresses this "strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition", saying that this is a farce planned by Western countries and anti -China forces.

Bachereter released this report that was delayed for nearly a year before the end of the term of office on Wednesday (August 31), stating that China ’s discrimination detention for Uighurs and other Muslim groups between 2017 and 2019"It may constitute international crimes, especially harming human crimes."

This 48 -page report quotes at least 40 testimony of the respondents to verify some of the previous allegations of human rights groups. For example, Xinjiang minority ethnic minorities are detained and tortured for expressing religious beliefs.Behavior.However, the report did not mention the saying "racial extinction" commonly used in Western public opinion.

Bachereter visited Xinjiang in May this year, becoming the first UN Human Rights College to visit China in 17 years.However, this trip was questioned by Western society and believed that she was unable to conduct a comprehensive and independent investigation of the human rights situation of Xinjiang under the restrictions of the Chinese government.

Bachelt in June stated that he abandoned his re -election, and frankly said that he could not visit the detained Uighurs and his family during his visit to Xinjiang, and Chinese officials were accompanied by Chinese officials throughout the process, and the itinerary was restricted.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian reiterated before the report was released on Wednesday that China has resolutely opposed the issuance of reports on the UN Human Rights University Office, saying that the report "is a farce planned by a small number of Western countries such as the United States."

China announced the 122 -page response report to refute the allegations of the Human Rights University

The delegation of the China Permanent Permanent Nations Geneva Office announced a 122 -page response report on the same day to refute the allegations of the Human Rights Acts.

Liu Yuyin, a spokesman for the delegation, said on Thursday (September 1) that the Human Rights College Office did not be authorized by the Human Rights Council to release so -called Xinjiang -related evaluation to discredit Chinese internal affairs and interfere with China's internal affairs.He also pointed out that the content of the report was very different from the statement issued by Bachereter at the end of the visit of China, "exposed some people's profound prejudice and ignorance of China."

Liu Yuyin has accused the United States of such Western countries for a long time to put pressure on junior colleges and colleges, asking him to publish so -called in Xinjiang evaluation according to Western intent, and provide ammunition for Western politics to manipulate Xinjiang.This report is "completely a political document that ignores the facts, which fully exposes the plot of human rights as political instruments in the United States and anti -China forces."

Chinese official media did not report the report of Bacheryt yesterday. Some Chinese media reposted the China Permanent Permanent delegation in Geneva refuted a statement and was deleted afterwards.

Lu Xi, an assistant professor at the School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that this late report will not have a significant impact on China's international image. "The views of China -related policies have not been much different from the expectations of the outside world before, and there are no new discussions. "

Lu Xi believes that the report is an orgasm about the controversial of human rights issues in Xinjiang. Although this period does not meet China's values and positions, when domestic affairs are mixed, provoking greater conflicts is not in line with the decision -making level.In interest, Beijing should hope to shift the focus of low -key transfer after showing the position.

Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, also believed that before the report was released, Western society's established views on China -related policy policies have been deeply ingrained.

"The words that should be said, the cards that should be played have been played," and it will not significantly change due to the report.

Zhu Feng emphasized that China's Xinjiang policy has its special background and combat the action of "three forces" (violent terrorist forces, ethnic division forces, and religious extremes) in accordance with the common interests of the international community on counter -terrorism.Global anti -terrorism and anti -extremism background, simply define human rights issues. "