Zhou Yihua, director of Macau Sun City Group, was arrested at the end of last year for cross -border gambling cases. His criminal group related cases were tried in Wenzhou, Zhejiang this week.Choose the verdict.Zhou Yihua himself handled another case.

According to the WeChat public account of the Wenzhou Intermediate People's Court, the Wenzhou Intermediate People's Court opened the merger and tried the Wenzhou People's Procuratorate to accuse the defendant Zhang Ningning and other 34 people who committed the crime of offering casinos and illegal.In business crime, the defendant Zhang Shixiu committed the crime of opening a casino, and the defendant Zhong Haiyan committed three cases of casino crimes. These three cases were all cases of cross -border gambling criminal groups headed by Zhou Yihua.

The public prosecution agency has accused, since 2007, Zhou Yihua, a shareholder and director of Macau Sun City Gaming Intermediary Co., Ltd., in the casino contract gambling hall in Macau and other places."UE Global E City" and other online gambling platforms conduct gambling activities.

The public prosecution agency has accused Zhou Yihua through the development of shareholder -level agents and gambling agents to provide high commissions to attract agent organizations at all levels to organize Chinese citizens to participate in cross -border gambling and promote online gambling platforms to citizens in China; in ChinaThe establishment of asset management companies in the country to provide services for gamblers with assets in exchange for gambling chips, assist customers to carry out cross -border capital rediscover and pursue gambling debts; use domestic underground banks such as domestic and underground banks to provide gambling to provide gambling payment and settlement; provide domestic technology companies in China to provide domestic technology companies in China.Technical support such as gamblers management, fund settlement, and vehicle services; set up companies in China to provide Chinese citizens to provide vehicle pick -up services for Chinese citizens, etc., organize Chinese citizens to go to the Overseas Sun City Gambling Hall gambling, participate in cross -border online gambling, and gradually form for formation.He was headed by Zhou Yi Huawei, with the defendants Zhang Ningning, Zhang Shixiu, Zhong Zexin, Lai Wentao, Ponton and other people's backbone. The defendant Peng Hao, Mai Guoxiong and other people were cross -border gambling criminal groups.

As of November 2021, this cross -border gambling criminal group developed a total of more than 400 shareholder agents (including 283 Chinese) and more than 60,000 gambling agents (of which 38307 Chinese), developed ChinaThere are more than 60,000 gamblers in the country, and the amount involved is particularly huge, which seriously disrupts the order of social management and the market economic order.

The defendant Zhang Ningning was accused of being instructed by Zhou Yihua to obtain illegal interests for cross -border gambling criminal groups, violated national regulations, traded foreign exchange in disguise, and implemented illegal business crimes. The circumstances were particularly serious and seriously disrupted the financial market order.

Macau tycoon Zhou Yihua is nicknamed "Zimi Hua", known as the "Little Gambling King" in Macau. In addition to the gambling industry, its subsidiary is also involved in entertainment, tourism and real estate.

Zhou Yihua was arrested by the Macau police last November and was approved by the Wenzhou Procuratorate.Sing Tao Daily cited the news at the time that Beijing officials believed that cross -border gambling absorbed a large number of mainland China funds and seriously endangered economic security, so he arrested him.