September 19 news on September 19th, Yang Kinging, former member of the Sichuan Provincial CPPCC and vice chairman, was suspected of accepting bribery and illegally held a case of guns and ammunition.The Supreme People's Procuratorate specifies the review and prosecution by the People's Procuratorate of Nantong City, Jiangsu Province.Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Nantong City, Jiangsu Province has filed a public prosecution to the Nantong Intermediate People's Court.

Yang Kening

At the review and prosecution stage, the procuratorial organs told the defendant's right to enjoy the right to enjoy the defendant, and asked the defendant Yang Kening to hear the opinion of the defender.Prosecutor's prosecution accusation: The defendant Yang Kening used the secretary of the Yantang County Party Committee of the Aba Tibetan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, member of the Standing Committee of the State Committee of the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Political and Legal Committee, Chairman of the CPPCC of Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Deputy Secretary of the State Party Committee of Aba Tibetan Autonomous State Committee, Governor, Sichuan Provincial CPPCC member, vice chairman and other positions in their positions, seek benefits for others, illegally accept others' property, and have a huge amount., Illegal holding of guns and ammunition for criminal responsibility.

On November 16, 2023, Yang Kening was investigated; the news on May 23 this year, Yang Koning was "double -opened".

After investigation, Yang Kening lost his ideals and convictions, abandoned his original mission, implemented the discounts of major decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, lazily affected politics, took the initiative to "lie down", engaged in speculative rigs, associated with political scammers, confronted organizational censorship, and superstitious activities;Violation of the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee, operate a wedding banquet for their sons illegally, accept banquets and tourism activities that may affect fair execution of official duties; violate the principles of organizational principles, illegally provide help to adjust and promotion of others in violation of the rules;Have a non -listed company's shares, use power to make a profit for their subsidiaries, and engage in power transactions.Profitting in terms of engineering contracting and corporate operations illegally accept huge amounts of property.

Yang Kening seriously violates the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline and life discipline, constitutes a serious job violation and suspected bribery and other crimes.It should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the People's Republic of China on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China, the People's Republic of China Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China on the Public Officer of the People's Republic of China, the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection studied and reported to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for approval, and decided to give Yang Koning to the party membership.Public office; termination of the representative of the 12th Party Congress of Sichuan Province; collection of its violations of discipline and illegal income; transferring their suspected criminal issues to the procuratorial organs to review and prosecute in accordance with the law, and transfer the property involved.

Public resumes show that Yang Kening, male, Tibetan, Sichuan little golden, born in January 1962, joined the Communist Party of China in May 1987, joined the work in August 1982, graduated from the School of Business Administration of Sichuan Provincial School of Business Administration.Education.

He worked in Aba Prefecture for a long time. He used to be the chief of the Secretary of the State Party Committee Office, Deputy Director of the State Party Committee Party Construction Office, member of the Ministry of Organization Department of the State Party Committee, Deputy Director of the State Party Committee Office, Deputy Secretary -General of the State Party Committee, and OfficeDeputy Director, Deputy Secretary -General of the State Party Committee, Director of the Political Research Office of the State Party Committee and State Government, Secretary of the Yangtang County Party Committee, Standing Committee Member of the Aba State Committee, Minister of United Front Work Department, and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.

In 2011, he served as the chairman of the Aba Prefecture CPPCC and the secretary of the party group, the governor of the state government in 2015, and the vice chairman of the Sichuan Provincial CPPCC and a member of the party group in 2021.