
In March of this year, the net is called "Arctic Catfish". The IP address shows that a netizen in Australia has repeatedly posted a message to show off the wealth.Hot search, many departments in Shenzhen intervene in the investigation.

The incident was investigated for half a year. The Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau responded to the netizens who care about the results of the matter.Government information referred to in Article 2 of the Government Information Disclosure Regulations of the People's Republic of China. In accordance with the provisions of Article 36 (3) of the Regulations on the Disclosure of Government Information Disclosure of the People's Republic of China, our bureau has decided not to be disclosed. "

Country is a voting initiated by the direct vehicle that over 90 % of netizens believe that the results of the Arctic catfish incident should be announced.Less than 1 % of netizens believe that it should not be announced.Some netizens believe that the "disclosure of the disclosure of government information" in the reply does not mean that it is not disclosed and can wait.

Countries are comments: "No disclosure" cannot be convinced, and the public questioned the public question that only the most open and transparent

The "Arctic Catfish" incident ushered in new progress, but it caused an uproar in netizens.

"I only know that there are 9 digits in my house. I want to mix which platform, and which country I want to be in which country is in which country." In March of this year, netizens named "Arctic Catfish" were in the public in the publicSocial platforms sending news Hyun wealth has attracted attention.According to it, the family deposits exceeded 9 digits, and Grandpa had served as the director of the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau.Some netizens found that "Arctic Catfish" not only showed off wealth on social platforms, but also suspected of insulting the people, causing everyone to speculate whether the "grandpa" and relatives in their mouths were suspected of corruption.

At that time, the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau issued a notification to confirm that the parties mentioned by the party were the cadre of the Bureau of the Bureau of Periodotrans, and the cadre of the Bureau of Freight Branch retired on November 30, 2007.The Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau also stated that it has conducted verification on relevant information and will be reported in a timely manner.However, the media recently found that the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau stated in a response letter about the government information disclosure of the incident that it was decided not to be disclosed.

"Timely reporting" becomes "non -disclosure". For more than 5 months of waiting, he did not get a trusted survey result. Netizens could not help but question: Is there any hidden or greasy?The country is a voting survey on Weibo on Weibo about whether the results of the#Arctic Catfish incident should be disclosed.As of press time, a total of 103,800 people participated, of which over 90 % of the netizens believed that the results of the Arctic catfish should be announced.Less than 10 % of netizens believe that it should not be announced.Another netizens believe that the "disclosure of the disclosure of government information" in the reply does not mean that it is not disclosed and can wait.Some netizens also proposed that if the Shenzhen Transportation Bureau is "not disclosed", can other departments intervene in the investigation and eventually "make public"?

avoidance is not a good strategy, and silence does not solve the problem.This incident needs to give the public a notification of more detailed and positive response.The parties need to be explained by the authority of "innocence"; Zhong Moumou, who involves the incident, also needs. Although it has retired, as a public official, it is obliged to explain the legal compliance of the source of property;Only the openness and transparency of the degree can eliminate adverse effects and maintain government credibility.

Source: country is through traffic

Edit: Zhuge Ruixin

commentator: Zhang Wenhui