Source: Visual China

Author | Chen Fu Ye

Edit | Xiao Wang

Produced | Prism · Tencent Xiaoman Studio

According to the report of the Red Star Capital Bureau on September 11, Yuan Renguo, former chairman of Moutai Group and Moutai (600519.SH), has died.The report also shows that Yuan Renguo's remains were transported from a prison in Guizhou Province and parked in a funeral home in Guizhou.

Yuan Renguo, born in 1956, is the fourth generation head of Moutai Group and the first head of the Moutai Group.

Yuan Renguo is a native of benevolence. It is the hometown of Maotai wine. In 1975, Yuan Renguo, who was only 19 years old, entered the work of Maotai. He started from basic work.Director, factory director, etc., is a talent trained by Moutai Winery.

A person who is familiar with Moutai has given this evaluation of Yuan Renguo: In Moutai history, there are two most important people, one is Ji Keliang, which laid the quality of Moutai wine, and the other is the opening channel of Moutai wine sales channels.Yuan Renguo.

Public information shows that in 1994, Yuan Renguo began to supervise the sales of Moutai Winery, and served as the general manager of Guizhou Moutai Wine Co., Ltd. 4 years later.

Moutai in 1998 was facing "internal and external problems". In that year, Moutai set a sales task of 2,000 tons, but due to the influence of the Shanxi Shuozhou fake wine case, the liquor market was weak. In July, Moutai only completed the completion of Moutai.700 tons of sales tasks.In addition, the government has also canceled the "customized production and marketing" policy of Moutai, and they need to make a living in the market.

On the outside, the fight with Wuliangye, Moutai began to fall into the wind. The unit price of the 53 -degree flying Moutai that year was about 200 yuan, which was dozens of yuan cheaper than Wuliangye.The well -known winery in the family also landed on the capital market, which pose a threat to Moutai.

After serving as the general manager, Yuan Renguo started the reconstruction of sales channels.He selected 17 sales staff nationwide and set up a sales team known as the "Death Team". At the same time, Moutai Sales Corporation was also officially established.

"Almost overnight, all parts of the country are Moutai's sales stores." A senior practitioner in the liquor industry recalled to the author that at that time, Moutai wine was mainly sold by sugar and wine companies at all levels.The production and sales model can ensure the sales of the winery, but it also restricts the marketing activities of the winery.

After building the sales channel, Maotai fought a battle.Yuan Renguo spent the last five months of the year and completed the remaining 1,300 tons of sales tasks.

In 2017, Yuan Renguo disclosed a data at the National Dealer Association of that year. Their dealers developed from 146 in 1998 to more than 2,000 at that time, and the marketing network covered all prefecture -level cities and more than 30%nationwide.County -level cities.Sales staff developed from the original 17 people to 553, and there were more than 20,000 marketers of the dealer.

With its contribution on its sales channels, in October 2011, Yuan Renguo replaced Ji Keliang and became chairman of Moutai Group. Moutai officially entered the "Yuan Renguo Time".Among the 6 and a half years of his head, Moutai stocks have continued to soar, and the market value is at the forefront of A shares.

"Successor dealers, defeat also dealers", this is the evaluation of Yuan Renguo who is well known to Moutai.

According to Moutai's financial report, the revenue contributed by the dealer system for the dealer system accounts for about 90 % of the total revenue.Of course, it is not easy to become a dealer in Moutai. Moutai has high requirements for its dealer's bank flow and assets.Even if some merchants meet these requirements, Maotai will not easily authorize them to sell.

It is thanks to this mature dealer system that Yuan Renguo has created the "Moutai Myth".However, these "values" distribution rights have also nourished a lot of corruption.

In May 2018, Yuan Renguo left Moutai and no longer served as chairman.A year later, Yuan Renguo was "double -opened".In September 2019, the Guiyang Intermediate People's Court sentenced the Yuan Renguo case in the first instance. Yuan Renguo was sentenced to life imprisonment for bribery.

According to the information reported by the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Yuan Renguo uses Moutai's management rights as a tool for attracting relations and exchanges of interests to make political attachments and pick up political capital;It is convenient to engage in Moutai wine operations in violation of regulations and severely damage the marketing environment of Moutai Wine.

In March 2022, the National Supervision Documentary disclosed many details of Yuan Renguo's bribery case. From 1994 to the time of the incident, for more than 20 years, Yuan Renguo's bribery amount was as high as 112.9 million yuan.

Documentary also shows that Wang Xiaoguang, former deputy governor of Guizhou Province, who has been dismissed, has directly obtained the operating rights of 4 Moutai specialty stores from Yuan Renguo; some dealers have sent 5 kilograms of Jin Ding, Jin Ding, Jin Ding, and Jin Ding.There are four words "Wine Crown Ren". These four words are adapted from the poem "Wine Crown Guizhou Kingdom" by Zunyi from the Qing Dynasty poet Zheng Zhen.

After Yuan Renguo's dismissal, Moutai opened the reform of the sales system. On the one hand, he cut dealers and built its own direct -operated channels on the one hand.

The financial report shows that as of the end of June 2018, the number of domestic dealers in Maotai was 3,215. By the end of June 2021, this number became 2096, less than a thousand years.However, since then, dealers have stabilized. At the end of June 2023, Maotai had 282 dealers in China.