Zhang Yong

Author | Cheng Xiaoyi

Edit | Kang Xiao

After the reorganization of Alibaba Group, Zhang Yong, who had been in the industry for 8 years, bid farewell to Ali and met with the old Ali.

On the evening of September 10, Cai Chongxin, chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba Group, announced that the board of directors of Alibaba accepted the request of Zhang Yong and the chairman of Alibaba Cloud and CEO.Wu Yongming also served.On the same day, Zhang Yong had completed the board of directors and Cai Yongming and Wu Yongming.

Zhang Yong, who was preparing to devote himself to Alibaba Cloud three months ago, suddenly chose to let go completely and transform from professional managers to investors.

Looking back on Ali's development, there are several important business birth nodes: Taobao, Alipay, Taobao Mall, and Alibaba Cloud and Cainiao, and Zhang Yong plays an important role in it.He participated in the rise of Tmall, created Double 11 Shopping Festival, and completed the mobile transformation of Taobao Tmall.

Ali gave the veteran who was full of war: to Zhang Yong the first honorary title of "Merit Ali" to Zhang Yong, and invested 1 billion US dollars in the technology fund established by Zhang Yong.

The all -member letter did not mention the reason why Zhang Yong stepped down, and Zhang Yong himself did not leave a word after the newly appointment was announced.

A insider of Ali told the deep network that Zhang Yong's resignation was relatively sudden. Alibaba Cloud's strategic change after spin -off, personnel changes, challenges facing performance, or Zhang Yong decided to completely let go completely let go.Essence

In March of this year, Ali opened the largest organizational change in history. From spin -off to decentralization, Zhang Yong faded out of power center step by step.To this day, Zhang Yong was out of trouble, and the Alibaba Group's power center completely returned to the Ali old minister in Jack Ma.

Alibaba Cloud Giant Change: The veteran returns, the cloud nails are divided

On June 20, Zhang Yong posted the group's letter as chairman and CEO as the chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group.At the same time, considering the requirements of standardized governance, he will only serve as chairman and CEO of Yuns Intelligent Group in the future to step down as the group business.

"This change is not only the beginning of another new stage and the beginning of the new journey to the company and the person."

Zhang Yong said that he will stand on a brand new stage with Yun Smart, "I am full of longing and expectations."

At that time, the outside world agreed that Yun Smart would be the third battlefield opened for Ali after Tmall and Ali Group.

Before the Alibaba Group was split, Zhang Yong had put the cloud business at the strategic core. He bluntly stated in the shareholder letter in July last year that Alibaba Cloud is the second growth curve of Ali to the future."All walks of life need to be transformed and upgraded. The opportunity of cloud is not a periodic opportunity but a structural opportunity. We make the cloud as the core strategy."

The cloud business has been the core strategic business of Alibaba Group since Jack Ma.Alibaba Cloud is one of the pioneers in the field of China's cloud computing. As early as 15 years ago (2008), Ali determined the cloud computing and data strategy, and began to independently develop a large -scale distributed computing operating system "Feitian".In 2012, Ma Yun once bluntly said: Ali may die if Ali does not do cloud computing.

In May 2015, Zhang Yong was a CEO of Alibaba Group. He served as the chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba in 2019. Alibaba Cloud began to enter the fast lane in 2013. The revenue in fiscal 2015 to 2019 increased by about 100%growth.In the Chinese cloud computing market, it can be described as riding.However, since 2020, because Huawei Cloud and other manufacturers have won a large number of government-enterprise, Alibaba Cloud's share has been severely squeezed, revenue growth has fallen, and Alibaba Cloud's growth rate has fallen to -2%in the first quarter of 2023.

After the Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong downturn in December 2022, the first position (Zhang Jianfeng) stepped down, and Zhang Yong took over Alibaba Cloud and Nail.The reform operation is dense, but the overall strategy has not changed, and it still adheres to the "integrated" line of "integration" of "cloud nails".

In April this year, Zhang Yong reiterated at the Alibaba Cloud Partner Conference that Alibaba Cloud is a cloud computing product company, the foundation is ecology, and the core is to firmly move towards "product integration" and establish "1+3+1"The product is integrated, that is, MAAS (model is service)+ three PAAS (platform is service, nails, lamb, Alibaba Cloud platforms)+ IaaS (infrastructure as service).

For Zhang Yong, Alibaba Cloud Smart Group is undoubtedly a re -entrepreneurial after Alibaba Group. He wrote in the Alibaba Cloud member letter in May that Alibaba Cloud will introduce external strategic investors to plan to be in the future in the future in the future.In 12 months, Alibaba Cloud was completely split from Alibaba Group to the market independently.

However, in August, Alibaba Cloud Smart Group's strategic mutation.

First of all, it was split independently from the Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Group. From the independent business of Alibaba Cloud Smart Group, which was originally under the 6 major business, became one of the company N company in the "1 + 6 + N" structure.Two days after the announcement, the internal test of the personal version was opened, as if it sounded the horn of returning to the C business model.

The spinning of nails independently shakes the Alibaba Cloud ecological strategy set by Zhang Yong.After the spin -off, the nails show their attitude at its ecological conference -please go back to the founder of the former nail without a recruitment (Chen Hang) opening speech, and use the "outsiders" to clarify his attitude: "Nailing must be nailingTo be small, you must return to the original intention. "Although the nails did not explicitly cut off with Alibaba Cloud, the" cloud nail "strategy has lost its foothold.

After the exposure of the spin -off of independence, Zhang Yong did not make a statement as Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Group No. 1.In addition, Alibaba Cloud and Nail are still recalling veterans.

After the founder of Alibaba Cloud, Wang Jian officially returned to Alibaba Cloud, according to Leifeng.com, Tang Hong, the chief architect of Alibaba Cloud, will return to Alibaba Cloud as the chief architect of Alibaba Cloud.Tang Hong is a member of the Early Chuangqi team of Alibaba Cloud. He worked under His Majesty Wang Jian, then president of Alibaba Cloud.According to the above -mentioned media reports, Ali is negotiating with the acquisition of both hydrogen oxidation, intending to compile no tricks and its core teams.

Strategic changes, the return of veterans, many changes in Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Group, or the key reasons for Zhang Yong to finally let go.

166 days, Zhang Yong faded out of the center of power, and the team of Ali's founder was returned

On March 28 this year, before Ali opened the largest organizational change in 24 years, Ali's biggest words were Zhang Yong.A insider in Ali told Deep Network that from the personnel changes in Ali for nearly two years, it can be seen that Zhang Yong's power is holding and becoming the real Ali helm.

Zhang Yong took over Ali in 2019 and carried out multiple organizational structures. Ali's power system was concentrated, and executives with Zhang Yong directly reported to Zhang Yong's authority decreased.After being known as "the most power of Alibaba", after many personnel changes, according to incomplete statistics from Shenzhen.com, only Zhang Yong was the business and jurisdiction.

"Once in Alibaba, Jack Ma and Cai Chongxin could not be moved. Now Alibaba, Zhang Yong cannot move. Maybe after this adjustment, Zhang Yong will have his own China Railway Army." OneThe Ali people once said to Shenwang.

The second day after Ali's founder Ma Yun returned to China, after Ali opened the largest organizational change since 24 years, Zhang Yong gradually faded out of the group's power center.

Business spin -off is equivalent to decentralizing power in the sub -business department. Ali develops from Super Group to a holding group. It is difficult for the chairman of the board of directors and CEOs of the group to have the authority of direct intervention and management of the business. After 52 days of business splitting, Zhang Yong's power was further contracted. Many partners who faded out of Ali's business entered the front line of the child business. At that time, Shenzhen.com had judged that in a sense, all Ali partners will become Ali in the new era AliThe real helm behind.

On June 20, Zhang Yong faded out of the Alibaba Group's Power Center and stepped down as the chairman and CEO of the board of directors of Alibaba Group, only directly managing Yun Smart Group.It is equivalent to "Zhou Tianzi" to "princely king".

Zhang Yong experienced the complete curve of Ali's upward and downlink.He dominated the rise of Tmall and created Double 11 Shopping Festival, and proposed "Data Zhongtai" with forward -looking consciousness.However, it was also criticized by the outside world that the "Zhang Yong era" failed to open up the next era of Ali.

During his term of office, Ali was chased by Pinduoduo, the "two -choice" heavy penalty, and the "sexual assault incident" storm and many other events.Taobao and Tmall's two Ali pillar revenue and profits weakened at the same time, and Ali's "small animals in zoo" began to eat.

Earlier, the media referred to the relationship between Ma Yun and Zhang Yong, Ma Yun was responsible for "looking up at the starry sky", and Zhang Yong was responsible for "stepping on the earth."Nowadays, the industry has changed tremendous, compared with the steady rise, the bold and innovative entrepreneurial spirit may be more suitable for Ali.

It was confirmed shortly after the list of the board of directors of the Six Son of Ali. According to LatePost reports, Ma Yun directly convened the heads of the business leaders of Tao Tian Group to open a small communication meeting.Participants do not include Zhang Yong.Ma Yun pointed out Taobao Tmall, and "innovation" is also a high -frequency word in this executive communication meeting.

166 days, Zhang Yong faded step by step from Alibaba Power Center.On the surface, this is the second transfer stick of Ali's highest manager, but in fact, the overall change can be summarized as the collective return of the Ali founder team.

Entrepreneurship veterans return, can Ali regain the spirit of entrepreneurship?