Tang Yong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the State -owned Enterprise Shu Dao Group in Sichuan Province, was suspended and inspected.

According to the news of "Chuanguan News", the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee announced on Friday (September 1) that Tang Yong was suspended from inspection and cooperated with the investigation.

The Sichuan Provincial People's Government held a press conference on August 30. At about 5 am on August 21, Jinyang County was affected by the short -term heavy rainfall.The downstream Shudao Group along the river high -speed JN1 (Jinning 1) of the bidding section of the project department was washed away, causing the personnel to be killed and lost.

Before the disaster occurred, relevant departments such as flood prevention emergency and other relevant departments conducted multiple warnings and dispatch on the bidding projects.Transfer.

After the mountain flood occurred, the relevant departments went to the scene to carry out rescue and rescue, and successively salvaged the remains of the four victims ashore.According to the report, with the continuous deepening of search and rescue and verification work, there are questions that relevant departments have found that the project construction enterprises report to the number of lost contacts, and the provincial level immediately set up an investigation and disposal leading group.

The investigation found that there were 201 people in the project site when the disaster occurred, of which 149 were out of danger, the four were killed, and 48 people lost contact.The project's project department and labor company Liu, such as Liu, were suspected of not reporting and reporting safety accidents. Police took criminal detention measures against the five on August 28.

The Shusao Group is called the Shu Road Investment Group Co., Ltd. The Sichuan -owned enterprise was established through a new form of merger. It was established in May 2021.In 2022, it became the first Fortune 500 state -owned enterprise in Sichuan Province in 2022.

Tang Yong, 59, has worked in the field of transportation for a long time.Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Sichuan Railway Investment Group.In January of last year, he served as the party secretary and chairman of the Shudao Group.