(Beijing Comprehensive News) Liu Jun, deputy team leader of the Chinese Professional Football Club (referred to as the China Football Association) and chairman of the Super League company, was investigated.At this point, all the six chairmen have been dismissed since the establishment of the Chinese Super League.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, the Chinese Football Association held a meeting of all middle -level cadres on Tuesday (August 29) in the afternoon to report that Liu Jun was taken away by the relevant departments.At the same time, the internal education and rectification work of the Chinese Football Association, which was originally planned to end at the end of August, and was reported to be extended for two weeks.

It is reported that Liu Jun was taken away on Monday afternoon, and he also participated in the work of the China -Football Preparatory Group that morning.

Public information shows that 47 -year -old Liu Jun has served as the general manager of the former Super League Jiangsu Shuntian Club. At the end of 2018, he was invited to the leaders of the then Chinese Football Association and began to participate in the early preparations of the China Football Union.After the official establishment of the China Football Union preparatory group in July 2021, Liu Jun served as the deputy team leader of the preparatory group, and then replaced the former vice chairman of the Chinese Football Association Li Yuyi as the chairman of the Super League company.

Last November Chinese men's foot coach Li Tie was checked , opened a new round of football anti-corruptionLater, Liu Jun was the 14th important football for football.

Since the beginning of this year, the former Secretary -General of the Chinese Football Association Liu Yi, the executive deputy secretary -general and the head of the State Management Department Chen Yongliang, chairman Chen Yiyuan, director of the Discipline Inspection Commission Wang Xiaoping, Huang Song, Minister of the Competition Department, and Du Zhaocai, the secretary of the party committee.

Wang Dengfeng Yue was expelled from the Communist Party of China and was expelled from public office for serious duties and suspected corruption and bribery crimes.

After Liu Jun was investigated, the Super League has been unusually settled since the establishment of the Chinese Super League in 2006.These include Nan Yong and Yang Yimin, who were detained in China in 2010, and Yu Hongchen, Ma Chengquan and Li Yuyi, who were investigated in this round of anti -corruption operations.Dong Yan, the former general manager of the Super League Company, who partnered with Liu Jun, was also taken away in March this year.