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The Organization Department of the Qinzhou Municipal Committee of Guangxi issued public announcement before the release of cadres:

Yang Yongchong, male, Miao, born in January 1985, graduate student, member of the Communist Party of China, is currently the deputy secretary of the Pudi County Party Committee and county head, and is intended to serve as the party secretary of the county (district) party committee.

Public information shows that in 2006, after graduating from the application chemistry major of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Yang Yongchong entered the Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, and successively studied for the master's degree and doctoral students of organic chemistry.

In 2011, after graduating from Dr. Yang Yongchong from Tsinghua University, Yang Yongchong was selected as a selection of work in Guangxi.Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Dazhen Town, Qinbei District.In 2013, he served as deputy secretary and mayor of Xintang Town, Qinbei District.

In 2015, Yang Yongchong served as Deputy Director of the Qinzhou Environmental Protection Bureau, and was transferred to the follow -up office of the Development and Reform Commission of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region for 7 months.

In 2016, Yang Yongchong served as the deputy head of Pubei County, Qinzhou City, later member of the Standing Committee and Organization Department of the Pu Beibei County Party Committee.

In February 2021, Yang Yongchong served as the director of the Qinzhou Petrochemical Industry Development Bureau.

In June 2022, Yang Yongchong served as Deputy Secretary of the Pu Beibei County Party Committee and the county head of the county.

In October 2019, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University held a special sharing session of the Guangxi Selection Alumni. Yang Yongchong spoke as an alumni in 2011.He focused on sharing the "grassroots consciousness": Starting from small things, entrepreneurship for the people of the people.

He said that there are many grass -roots work lines, mixed affairs, and heavy responsibilities, and also face many different demands of the people.From a doctoral student who has long been engaged in theoretical research to a grass -roots worker, in addition to grass -roots consciousness, you must dare to take responsibility for grass -roots work. There are ideas, methods, do things, can be done, and you must take the initiative and deeply understandThe needs of the people, the anxiety of the people, what they want the people to implement the problems that the masses need to solve.