"I regret, my wrong behavior has failed the party organization's hope and trust in me. I regret, my wrong behavior has a negative impact on the Chinese health system and the hospital. I regret, my wrong behavior, Brought huge harm to the family ... "Liu Xiaoping said in a confession book three times" I regret "to express his regret.

On August 15th, the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a document disclosed the corruption details of Liu Xiaoping, who had served as the dean of the Chinese Medicine Hospital and the County People's Hospital for more than 10 years.After investigation, from 2008 to 2021, Liu Xiaoping took advantage of his position to collect money in terms of pharmaceutical procurement and engineering construction, and provided convenience in the allocation of funds such as medicine, medical equipment, medical equipment funds, and engineering funds.The cash given by others for a total of 17.587 million yuan, and the cumulative amount of violations of disciplinary violations reached 20120,900 yuan.

In March 2023, Liu Xiaoping was sentenced to 11 years and 6 months in prison for bribery, and fined 800,000 yuan, withdrawal of 1.29 million yuan in violations of laws and disciplines.

▲ Liu Xiaoping

"False after the dinner", received the first 10,000 yuan "thank you fee" for the pharmaceutical dealer

Liu Xiaoping was born in an ordinary rural family in September 1963. His father was an accountant from a local hospital.When he was a child, Liu Xiaoping often heard the story of the doctor save the wounded from his father's mouth. His ears were stained. His dream was to grow up a doctor who was cured and saved.

In 1981, after graduating from the Neijiang Health School, Liu Xiaoping was assigned to work in the Longjiang Central Health Center of Zizhong County. Since then, he has opened his doctor's career for more than 40 years.At work, Liu Xiaoping is a recognized person in the industry. In just a few years, he developed an ordinary township and sanitary home into the county's first central health center to reach the national "first -class" hospital.The county -level hospitals that are on the verge of closure are developed into national "second -level B" standard hospitals.

Public resumes show that after serving as the deputy dean and dean of Longjiang Central Health Center, Liu Xiaoping was transferred to the vice president of Zizhong County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in April 1998, and one year later he was promoted to the dean.In January 2007, he was transferred to the largest county -level hospital, Zizhong County People's Hospital, and served as Dean.

However, the position of position is increasing, his ideological state has stagnated, and even began to "transform".

"Has good health hospitals and traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, and the two hospitals have completely changed their appearance and status quo. I also have a certain influence and popularity in the health system.Doing a good job should also have the ability to make your family live a better life ... "It is the change in this mentality that allows Liu Xiaoping to have a" first crack ".

In May 2007, Liu Xiaoping, who had just served as the dean of the People's Hospital of Zizhong County, met Zhang Moumou, a supplier of medical and medical consumables at a meal.In order to provide medicines for the people's hospital of the county, Zhang Moumou found Liu Xiaoping for help and support.Liu Xiaoping thought that it was just a matter of "greeting". It was okay to do a "moisture", so he agreed.

Under his "greeting", Zhang Moumou's company successfully became a supplier of some drugs in the hospital.On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2008, Zhang Moumou came to Liu Xiaoping's office to send 10,000 yuan to "thank you".This "gratitude fee" made Liu Xiaoping very nervous and refused, but the boss said, "Thanks to you, this is what you deserve", it makes him feel that "the exchanges for work in these years will be exchanged for an additional return".Should be brought home with money.

The "realization of power" under greed, in terms of pharmaceutical procurement, engineering construction, etc.

Once the ideological defense line is loose, selfish thoughts will occupy the upper hand.Driven by greed, Liu Xiaoping began to use the power in his hand to "monetize". In the following 12 years, the boss Zhang Moumou sent Liu Xiaoping to Liu Xiaoping for a total of 3.38 million yuan.

At this time, Liu Xiaoping was obsessed with the "satisfaction" brought by the "monetization" of power, and had no intention to strengthen ideological and political learning at all.Regardless of the study of the theoretical learning center group or branch learning, he just cope with it. He never entered his mind. He also wrote his hands to the staff. Participating in warning education was just holding a spectator mentality.

In order to maximize the interests of the power in hand, Liu Xiaoping not only charged "thank you fees" in purchasing drugs and medical devices, but even the field of engineering construction has become his "place of cream" for his money.

In 2009, at the beginning of the construction of a new inpatient building in Zizhong County People's Hospital, the engineering owner Peng Mou was jointly established in the name of "shares" to promise that the project will be divided into a certain profit to Liu Xiaoping.Just accept it.At that time, Liu Xiaoping said that "the progress of the progress as scheduled is what we should do, let's not mention what 'shares', just do the project well."

The project is successfully carried out, and the project schedule is also allocated as scheduled.One day in July 2009, the boss Peng's wife found Liu Xiaoping with 600,000 yuan in cash, and sent it to him in the name of "share dividend".The cash of hundreds of thousands of yuan was in front of himself. Liu Xiaoping was both nervous and excited. This money came too fast and too easy, but when he thought it was "presented in advance", he was just doing things according to the "rules".It took it peacefully.In the following 5 years, each time the project progress was allocated, Liu Xiao received an average of "dividends", a total of 2.8 million yuan.

Over time, the businessman bosses of the "medical circle" and Liu Xiaoping form a "tacit understanding" with Liu Xiaoping. As long as the project funds and purchases are allocated, the bosses will use "thanks" and "share dividends" and so on.Give money to Liu Xiaoping.From a cigarette, a few bottles of wine to 10,000 yuan in cash, to hundreds of thousands of yuan in cash, Liu Xiaoping collected all the amounts of the amount and the amount of property.

After investigation, from 2008 to 2021, Liu Xiaoping took advantage of his position to collect money in terms of pharmaceutical procurement and engineering construction.Convenient, a total of 17.587 million yuan in cash received by others, and the cumulative amount of violations of disciplinary violations reached 1.209 million yuan.

"Late Confession", the bribery was sentenced to 11 years and a half -year confession book, "My Regret"

From the township health hospital to the largest hospital in the county, from the grassroots doctors to the president of the county -level hospital, Liu Xiaoping has been working in the medical system for more than 40 years. Eventually, because of greed, he lost his medical ethics.A "patient" with greedy illness, his heart is full of various "transactions" like his debris.

In October 2021, Liu Xiaoping, the deputy secretary of the party's general branch and dean of the Chinese Medicine Hospital, was reviewed by the Discipline Inspection Commission of Zizhong County.In May 2022, Liu Xiaoping was investigated by the Supervision Committee of the Zizhong County County Supervision Committee.In November 2022, Liu Xiaoping was expelled from the party and was expelled from public office for serious violations of the party's discipline, constituted a duty and suspected bribery crimes.

In March 2023, Liu Xiaoping was sentenced to 11 years and 6 months in prison for bribery, and fined 800,000 yuan, withdrawal of 1.29 million yuan in violations of laws and disciplines.

"I regret, my wrong behavior has failed the party organization's hope and trust in me. I regret, my wrong behavior has a negative impact on the Chinese health system and the hospital. I regret, my wrong behaviorIt brought huge harm to the family ... "Liu Xiaoping said in a confession book three times" I regret "to express his mood of regret.

Mi Mingfu Wang Xiaoli Zhongxiao Lan Red Star reporter Yao Yongzhong sorted

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