Jiang Dalong, vice chairman of the board of directors of Evergrande Group and chairman of Evergrande New Energy Automobile Group

How many "surprises" Xu Jiayin has it?

When the outside world thought that Evergrande Mountain was exhausted, Evergrande Automobile really found a war investment.Evergrande has recently announced that Newton Group from the Middle East will subscribe for about 27.50%of Evergrande's additional issuance, with a total cost of about 500 million US dollars.

If Evergrande's debt -to -equity is successfully completed, Evergrande Automobile will no longer be Evergrande's wholly -owned subsidiary. Newton Group will become a single largest shareholder of Evergrande Motor and has the right to nominate the chairman.

Newton Group seems to be not small, claiming to be controlled by the Royal UAE, listed in Nasdaq in November 2022.

When will Boss Xu meet the Middle East wealthy?How do you say that they connected?

Xu Jiayin, chairman of the board of directors of China Evergrande Group

Under the

Grass Snake Gray Line, it is still a Chinese businessman hidden behind the Newton Group. His name is Wu Nan. He was born in Jinhua, Zhejiang.What is even more dramatic is that Wu Nan is led by a "flicker" circle of new energy vehicles.

The "UAE" car company that exports to domestic sales

"I talked to Newton Group in May this year." An industry close to Evergrande Motors revealed to Phoenix Weekly Real Estate.

At the end of last month, Evergrande Automobile announced that it was planned to pay a fund -raising 500 million US dollars after the annual report was released. At that time, the total liabilities announced by Evergrande Automobile were 183.872 billion yuan, and the net assets fell to the negative 68.65 billion yuan.It is the night.If it is reviewed according to the timeline, maybe Evergrande Automobile issued a financial report after the two -month negotiation was finalized.

According to public information, NASDAQ: NWTN is the only electric vehicle company listed in the United States in the United States.Before listing, Newton Group announced that Al ATAA Investment LLC, which was controlled by Abu Dhabi Royal Group, signed a PIPE subscription agreement of $ 200 million.

But as of now, the first three major shareholders of Newton Group have not seen the Apubzabi Royal Group. The largest shareholder is called Chunyi (Charlie) HAO, holding 46.1%of the shares.The second largest shareholder is Double Ventures Holdings Limited, holding 21.4%of the shares, and the third largest shareholder is Xiaoma (Sherman) Lu, holding 12.1%of the shares.The largest shareholders and the third largest shareholders are obvious Chinese names.More importantly, the founder Wu Nan controlled 77%of the company's voting right.

The board of directors of Newton Group is Wu Nan, the vice chairman of the board of directors is Aaron Huainan Lia. Among the independent non -executive directors include Changqing Ye, Xinyue Geffner, Lu Shaoma, CTO is the world.It can also be seen from the executive list of Newton Group that it is not a pure Middle East company.

According to the information disclosed by Newton Group, it can be seen that in the past three years (2020, 2021, 2022), its operating income is 0, and the total operating expenses of three years are US $ 62.151 million.The operating profit of 2022 was -40.445 million US dollars, and the net profit was $ 40.7193 million.

When the Newton Group was listed in November 2022, Jinhua local state -owned assets also participated in investment.

"Not the Middle East rich investment in Chinese companies, Newton is a shell company of Chinese people, there are some funds and no business. Newton is investing in Evergrande Automobile.Operation. "A senior industry engaged in new energy vehicle investment and consultation told Phoenix Weekly Real Estate.

In fact, Newton Group is a US -listed company that is packaged through the Middle East and operated by Chinese businessmen. It was formerly known as the ICONIQ, and the headquarters is in Tianjin.

Aikonik and the founder Wu Nan frequently activities in 2018, claiming that partners include W Motors (Lebanon's supercar Leak, one of the most expensive sports cars in the world).But after the 2019 Shanghai Auto Show released a concept car model, Aconnik had no news.

Until 2022, the Aikonik brand was renamed Newton, attracting the Middle East War Investment, and turned into a UAE car company.

In fact, Evergrande's "White Knight "'s own financial situation is not optimistic.As of the end of 2022, the cash and cash equivalents held by Newton Group were approximately US $ 211.9 million, of which the restricted cash was 146,000 US dollars.From the perspective of cash holdings alone, Newton wants to take out a 500 million US dollars of real gold and silver in one breath.

As of the end of 2022, Newton's total liabilities were $ 71.97 million.

Industrial and commercial data shows that Newton Group's physical company Newton (Zhejiang) Automotive Co., Ltd. is wholly -owned by ICONIQ, with a registered capital of 1.5 billion yuan. The legal representative was originally Wu Nan.On March 20, 2023, all the equity of the company was pledged to Zhejiang Jinhua Jinyi New District Development Group Co., Ltd.On July 9, 2023, that is, early last month, the legal representative was changed to Mohammad Rashid Al Haf.

On the social platform Sina Weibo, there is a user named "Is Aikonic's salary today?" From 2020 to 2021, a number of Weibo was released, saying that Aconnik had a long arrears of wages.

"Newton's funds are limited, where the 500 million US dollars come from? It is also a problem. The cooperation between the two companies can help each other. Newton gets Evergrande models in this way and has the opportunity to develop.After the listed company gets such positive news, it may still be able to raise funds to the society. "The above -mentioned senior analysis.

"At the beginning, everyone had fantasies about the Middle East royal family. As a result, a vest was Aconik, and it was disappointed."On August 15th, the stock price of Evergrande Automobile can also see the journey of investors. The opening in the morning rose 47.06%to HK $ 2.5, and fell quickly in half an hour later.It is almost equivalent to not rising.

"Covenia" four years ago

How did Newton Group and Evergrande meet?

In 2018, Wu Nan introduced that Aconnik had cooperative factories in north and south. Among them, the north was in Tianjin.Today, it can be seen from the public information of the history. Wu Nan and the founder of Guong Automobile Jiang Dalong have been frequently contacted. The two have publicly participated in the local automotive industry conference in Tianjin together.

In March 2019, Guoneng Automobile was sold to Evergrande by the founder Jiang Dalong. Jiang Dalong got 5 billion cash off the market. Xu Jiayin took over Guineng Automobile.

The predecessor of Guoreng Automobile was the veteran of Sweden "Saab Automobile"."Saab Automobile" was nicknamed the "Swedish car" in the industry, and the earliest aircraft engine was applied to the car.Saab later closed his business. After several times, he moved to Jiang Dalong, and Jiang Dalong acquired Saab to return to China to establish Guineng.

When Jiang Dalong took control of Guopeng, he repeatedly engraved Saab's classic model Saab 93 and made the electric version of the National Neng 93.After Evergrande entered the Lord, he mass produced 5,000 units, and also held an offline ceremony.However, due to limited qualifications, the National Neng 93 cannot be listed so far.

"After Evergrande received Guoneng, it has beenThe qualifications have never been done. These 5,000 cars have left a few of them in the factory, and the rest are sold for a scrap iron for a scrap iron.To be honest, the Guineng 93 car is still outdated, which greatly restores the Saab 93, full of feelings, but it belongs to the previous era."The insiders close to Evergrande cars said," Jiang Dalong found the boss Xu, who loved his face, and he didn't know where others were now."

Looking back, Guineng is likely to be one of the earliest sources of Evergrande Automobile.Phoenix Weekly Real Estate learned that, in addition to Guineng, Evergrande Automobile later purchased Hubei Tate (wheel motor technology enterprise), because of the introduction of Jiang Dalong. In the endmany.

Xu Jiayin and Wu Nan met, perhaps through the introduction of Jiang Dalong, or the local watt of Tianjin.What's even more interesting is that there is a famous new energy vehicle celebrity Jia Yueting in the trap.

When the Newton Group was also called Aikangnik, in 2019, due to poor operation, Bai Fukang, the founder of Byton, was hired as the CEO. Just 4 months later, Bi Fukang Litter resigned and joined the FF founded by Jia Yueting until it was until the FF founded by Jia Yueting until it was until the FF founded by Jia Yueting until it was until the FF founded by Jia Yueting until the FF was founded until Jia Yueting was founded until the FF founded by Jia Yueting until the FF founded by Jia Yueting until the FF founded by Jia Yueting until the FF, until the FF founded by Jia Yueting, until the FF founded by Jia Yueting, until the FF founded by Jia Yueting, until the FF, until the FF founded by Jia Yueting, until the FF founded by Jia Yueting, until the FF founded by Jia Yueting, until the FF founded by Jia Yueting, it was not until the FF founded by Jia Yueting.The CEO position was lifted in 2022.

In this regard, Wu Nan, Jiang Dalong, Xu Jiayin, Bi Fukang, Jia Yueting, a magical new energy "big flicker" circle appeared.

Moreover, Newton Group, Evergrande Automobile, and FF all have something in common, and they have no product delivery when they go public.In April 2023, Newton Group launched the first model Rabdan One, and there was still no vehicle delivery."In addition to the listing of new energy vehicle companies, other IPOs are listed on the market. Newton is not the mainstream. Its listing operation is empty than Jia Yueting's FF."

The possibility of receiving 500 million US dollars?

According to the announcement, Evergrande Motor's Dating Plan for Newton is: Evergrande Automobile to China Evergrande Group, Xujiayin's Xinxin (BVI) Co., Ltd., Xu Jiayin himself, Xu Jiayin's wife Ding Yumei, and Ding Yumei good state Co., Ltd.The issuance of approximately 4178 billion shares, 521 billion shares, 169 million shares, 417 million shares and 156 million shares of subscribed shares, a total of about 5.441 billion Evergrande New Energy Vehicle shares.

After the issuance of new shares, China Evergrande Group, Xu Jiayin, and Ding Yumei will hold 64.64%, 4.24%and 3.52%of Evergrande Motors.The repayment liability for the relevant loan owed by Evergrande Automobile will be lifted.Evergrande Group also agreed to abandon any interest accumulated from August 15th, 2023 to the completion date.

On this basis, Newton Group purchases new shares.

Announcement stated that all $ 500 million will be used for Evergrande Automobile Tianjin Factory. Newton Group also promised to sign a transitional fund support agreement to provide 600 million yuan in interest -free and guaranteed transitional funds to Evergrande Automobile., Ensure the normal production of Hengchi 5 and the successive mass production of Hengchi 6 and 7.

However, these seemingly considerable funds need to go through the difficulty.

As mentioned above, judging from the cash status of Newton Group alone, it is not enough to pay $ 500 million.Furthermore, as far as Evergrande and Newton signed the agreement, the premise of 500 million US dollars was very harsh.

According to the announcement, before the shares, Evergrande Automobile and Evergrande Group also need to meet 19 prerequisites, including: Evergrande Group's debt reorganization effective, Evergrande New Energy Automobile Group's confirmation of debt repayment plans, transactions obtained by transactions obtainedRelevant courts, arbitration agencies, government departments, regulators, or any third -party authority and shareholder approval.

Therefore, in this off -share allocation, Evergrande Automobile issued about 4.178 billion shares, which is equivalent to about 25.66%of Evergrande's total shares after the completion of the debt -to -equity.Cathery account for car stock hook notes.

Evergrande's introduction of combat investment can be used as a great weapon for convoy creditors to complete the reorganization, but the prerequisite for combat investment requires debt restructuring to complete first. This is almost a logical paradox.that one.

Before that, a similar war investment agreement also appeared in the real estate industry. When Vanke announced the plan to invest in the Taihe Group, many harsh premise conditions also listed, including the "Tahoe formulated debt reorganization plan and and and with and with.The creditor reached an agreement. "In the end, Taihe's debt reorganization failed, and Vanke retired decisively.

Newton Group in Evergrande Motors, is the "white knight"?Or is it a bamboo basket?The decision to decide to fall in the hands of Evergrande creditors.