On August 15th, the National Health and Health Commission website released the relevant question and answer work of corruption in the national pharmaceutical field.

Among them, responded to " Recently appearing" Fuwai Hospital Xu Bo "and" Jiangsu Changzhou Breast Surgery Expert "and other corruption cases.? ":

Answer: We pay attention to the relevant information that appears on the Internet.It is understood that Xu Bo, director of the Intersection of Fuwai Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, was investigated and investigated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team and the Changzhi Municipal Supervision Commission of Shanxi Province for suspected serious violation of disciplinary violations.At present, the case is still underway.After communicating with the case handling department, Internet information such as "using the opportunity to use surgery, consumables, and participating in medical equipment procurement and bidding, receiving bribery up to 1.2 billion yuan" and other information is seriously inconsistent with the current case investigation, it is false information, it is false informationEssence

For "Changzhou's famous breast surgery expert Zhu Moumou was arrested, a total of 150 million was found in the family", Relevant local departments have explained the real information spread on the Internet through the mainstream media of Changzhou.

In addition, we also responded to other related hot issues:

What is the working background and purpose of carrying out centralized rectification?

Answer: The field of medicine is the main position of maintaining the health of the people, which is related to the most concerned, direct and most realistic health rights of the general public.The Party Central Committee attaches great importance to the high -quality development of pharmaceuticals and will ensure that the people's health is in a strategic location for priority development.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the pharmaceutical and health industry has focused on major diseases and major problems that affect people's health, accelerated the implementation of healthy China strategies, promoted the continuous development of medical, medical, and medical maintenance, and promoted the expansion of high -quality medical resources and regional balanced layout.Medical workers shoulder the sacred duties of saving wounds and maintaining the health of the people.For a long time, the majority of medical staff responded to the party's call, practicing the new period of professional spirit of "respecting life, saving the wounds, willingness to dedicate, and great love".The important role and achieved fruitful results, which is understood, supported and respected by the whole society.The hard work and dedication of the majority of medical workers should be fully affirmed.

Strengthening anti -corruption in the field of pharmaceuticals is an important part of promoting the high -quality development of the pharmaceutical industry and an important part of improving the construction of the medical governance system. Over the years, the National Health and Health Commission has led the units in the field of unriller at the field of pharmaceutical purchasing and sales and medical services.The combination of the item standards, resolutely rectifying the unfairness of the industry, has achieved significant improvements.With the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, the construction of the party's style and clean government, and the struggle of anti -corruption to achieve historic achievements, the industry atmosphere in the pharmaceutical industry continues to improve. But at the same time, corruption in the field of medicine still exists, especially some of the "key minority" and key positions investigated and dealt with in recent years, using power to find rent, collect deductions, bribery and other cases, etc.The dividends have eaten the rights and interests of the people. They not only regulate the reform and development of medical, medical insurance, and medical undertakings, but also affect the industry image, but also endanger the interests of most people in the field of medical and health.

In order to further promote the development and progress of the pharmaceutical cause and protect the health rights and interests of the people, the National Health and Health Commission is also the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security, the Audit Office, the State -owned Assets Supervision Commission of the State Council, the State Medical Insurance Administration, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the State Diseases, and the State Diseases.The 9 departments such as the Control Bureau and the State Drug Administration jointly launched a one -year centralized rectification work of corruption issues in the national pharmaceutical field.The innocent industry atmosphere provides a guarantee for the high -quality development of pharmaceutical and health undertakings.

What are the main principles of the centralized rectification work?

Answer: At present, the difficulty of corruption in the field of pharmaceuticals has been increasing. The departments involved in the full chain of pharmaceutical purchase and sales need to enhance the joint effort and joint governance of work.Therefore, the centralized rectification work clarified three work principles:

First, full coverage and focus on focus. This rectification covers the full chain of the production, circulation, sales, use, and reimbursement of the pharmaceutical industry, as well as administrative departments, industry (association) associations, medical and health institutions, medical production and operation enterprises, medical insurance funds, etc.In the whole field, full coverage of the pharmaceutical field is achieved.In terms of the focus of rectification, focusing on "key minority" and key positions, especially illegal behaviors such as the use of power in the field of pharmaceuticals, "sales with gold", and benefit transmission.

The second is to concentrate on breakthroughs and correction. A key breakthroughs in the "key minority" and corruption issues of key positions, investigating and verifying, handling, and reporting of key issues and typical cases to form a high -pressure situation in the national centralized regulation of corruption in the field of centralized regulation.Adhere to clue disposal, problem rectification, industry governance, improve the rules and regulations, improve the governance mechanism, standardize industry supervision, focus on strengthening the construction of long -term mechanisms, and realize the systematic, standardized, and normalization of corruption in the medical field.

Third is to implement unified implementation and hierarchical responsibility. Strict implementation of work responsibilities to ensure that the requirements for the requirements of centralized rectification work are effective.Under the unified leadership of the centralized rectification mechanism of corruption in the country in the country, the relevant functional departments and localities have effectively assumed the main responsibility of centralized rectification, and they are responsible and implemented.The institutions and units incorporated into the scope of rectification should be responsible for direct responsibility, responsible for implementing the specific requirements of the competent authorities of the higher authorities on the centralized rectification work, and strictly implement the various tasks of centralized rectification.

This centralized rectification will follow the above principles to carry out the system governance of full -chain in the pharmaceutical industry in full -chain, to solve the systemic problems in industry supervision, solidly promote industry governance in the pharmaceutical field, and ensure that the remediation work has achieved results.

What are the key contents and measures for centralized rectification for corruption in the current medical field?

Answer: The content of this centralized rectification focuses on six aspects: First, the administrative department in the field of pharmaceuticals is to find rent for rent;, Consumables and other aspects of "gold sales"; third, social organizations that accept the management and guidance of administrative departments in the field of pharmaceuticals use work to facilitate benefits; fourth, related issues related to the use of medical insurance funds; and fifth are the illegal illegal pharmaceutical production and operation enterprises in the field of purchase and sales.Behavior; Sixth nine criteria for medical staff violations of medical institution staff. By adopting self -examination and self -correction, centralized rectification, summary rectification and other measures, the prominent and corruption problems of the pharmaceutical industry will be carried out in the entire field, full chain, and full coverage of systematic governance, and a series of long -term mechanismsGet practical results.

Since the deployment of centralized rectification work, what work progress is made, and what are the plans of the next work?

Answer: At the beginning of July this year, the National Health Commission and 9 departments jointly issued relevant documents to focus on solving outstanding problems in the current medical field of corruption, as well as the key links that are prone to problems in the full chain of medical purchases and medical services.The overall requirements, rectification content, work steps and work requirements of the centralized rectification.On July 12, 10 departments such as the National Health and Health Commission held a video conference on centralized rectification work in the national pharmaceutical field, focusing on key links and "critical minorities" of the production, supply, sales, use, and reimbursement of the production, supply, sales, and reimbursement in the medical field.The key deployment was carried out, and more than 4,000 people in various departments participated in the meeting.On July 28, the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection held a cooperationThe video conference on the concentrated remediation work, focusing on the "key minority" in the field of medicine, strengthening supervision and law enforcement, and deployment in the disciplinary inspection and supervision system.At the same time, the National Health and Health Commission launched the "Internet+" style of wind evaluation platform on the homepage of the official website to establish and unobstructed information communication channels for society.

According to the work deployment, all provinces have established corruption issues in the field of local medical fields to centrally rectify the work collaboration mechanism, formulate and distribute local work plans, and hold meetings for deployment arrangements. Relevant units in various places have quickly carried out self -examination and self -correction, dealt with relevant issues, announced multiple cases, forming a strict tone and atmosphere. Anti -corruption has formed a wide consensus in the pharmaceutical industry, and the work of centralized rectification is being carried out steadily.

Next, the centralized rectification work will continue to advance according to the overall arrangement. will increase the guidance and scheduling of work, increase the handling of typical problems and reporting, and ensure the effectiveness of the rectification work.

Some academic conferences announced the suspension or extension of the recent anti -corruption situation. Is it the requirements for centralized rectification?

Answer: We noticed that the media reported that some academic conferences announced the suspension and extension of the anti -corruption situation in the field of medical fields, but at the same time, we also learned that some academic conferences were carried out normally and have not been affected.The academic conference in the pharmaceutical industry is an important platform for academic exchanges, experience sharing, promoting the progress of pharmaceutical technology, and innovative development. In accordance with relevant national regulations, the academic conferences and normal medical activities carried out by standardized development must be strongly supported and actively encouraged. What needs to be remedied is the illegal behavior of illegal and illegal interests, or to send illegal and illegal interests, or illegally transferring illegal and illegal interests, or illegally the private scores of academic conference sponsorship fees.

Source: National Health and Health Commission Medical Emergency Division