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According to the website of the China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd., on the morning of August 12, the Outstanding Party member of the Communist Party of China, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Chinese Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd., Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and the State Supervision Commission Stading in China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. Zhao JiufangThe gay body farewell ceremony was held in Beijing. Comrade Zhao Jiufang died in Beijing on August 6, 2023 due to sudden heart disease at the age of 59.

(Data Map Source: "Integrity Shang Fei" WeChat public account)

After Comrade Zhao Jiufang's death, the relevant leaders of the superiors expressed deep condolences.Leaders of relevant ministries and commissions of the central and state organs, He Dongfeng, Zhou Xinmin, Zhao Yuelang, Tan Wan Geng, Wu Yongliang, Wei Yingbiao, Zhang Yujin, Shen Bo, Wu Guanghui, Shi Jianzhong, Guo Bozhi, Yan Hua, and relatives of Comrade Zhao JiufangRepresentatives of cadres and employees who have worked in the local area during their lifetime participating in the farewell ceremony of the body or other ways to express their mourning.

During the tenure of COMAC, Comrade Zhao Jiufang always kept in mind the organization of the organization, and explained that he explained his absolute loyalty to the party and his firm attachment to his career. Talking about politics, feelings, and discipline, paying attention to theoretical learning, extremely enthusiastic about the cause of the large aircraft, extremely responsible for disciplinary inspection and supervision work, diligently, diligent and hard work in work.Vaguely, integrate into it, supervise, battle, and contribute.Promote the effective operation of the "five responsibilities" mechanism, formulate a mechanism for strengthening the political supervision system, and promote high -quality development with high -quality political supervision.The construction of disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres is very hard, care about care for young cadres, guide comrades to learn theory, focus on work, and promote disciplinary inspection and supervision work to a new level and achieve new progress.

Comrade Zhao Jiufang dedicated his life to the cause of the party and the state, and the disciplinary inspection and supervision cause.He is a well -deserved outstanding Communist Party member, an outstanding representative of the big plane people's struggle for life, and a glorious warrior of the disciplinary inspection and supervision front.

Public information shows that Zhao Jiufang was born in Dongping, Shandong in September 1963, and his ancestral home was in Dongping, Shandong.He joined the Communist Party of China in May 1986.Graduate degree in the Central Party School.

He has long served as a long -term disciplinary inspection and supervision system , successively served as the Discipline Inspection and Administration Bureau of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision and Administration of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.The deputy leader of the disciplinary inspection team of the Ministry of Supervision and the Director of the Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

Since December 2016, the party committee member and secretary of the disciplinary committee of the China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd., the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and the State Supervisory Commission's Supervisor Co., Ltd.

In April this year, Zhao Jiufang signed an article published by the website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.He said that at present, the company is in a critical period of climbing and crossing the customs.Explorer, supporters of reform and innovation, supporters of reform and innovation, protector of the reform and innovation, and explorers of the new era and new journey of scientific research and production units. Send an opinion on strengthening supervision and implementation, promote the inspection of large -scale production safety, and put forward suggestions to the party committee to make the supervision responsibilities more detailed and more realistic.

On August 1 this year, Zhao Jiufang heard a report on the progress of party style and clean government construction in the first half of 2023.

Zhao Jiufang proposed that it is necessary to further adhere to the strict tone and achieve strict love.To achieve love first, strict control, love inside, strict control, and strict tone, everyone takes responsibility, take good leadership, strictly discipline, strictly responsible, strictly strictly, strictly strictly, and strictJurisdiction.

Source: China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. website, etc.