Sun Dong, director of the Hong Kong Innovation Technology and Industry Bureau, said that the US investment ban in China will not affect Hong Kong's innovative technology development.

Comprehensive Hong Kong News Agency and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that US President Biden signed an investment restriction on investment in China to restrict American companies' investment in Chinese semiconductor, artificial intelligence, and quantum technologyHong Kong is also included in it.

Sun Dong, director of the Hong Kong Innovation Technology and Industry Bureau, criticized it on a radio program on Saturday (August 12) that the US investment restrictions on China are unreasonable measures, and the Hong Kong government has strong dissatisfaction and opposition.The ban may affect the financing of innovation enterprises in the short term, but in the long run, it will not affect the wave of development of Hong Kong's innovation.

Sun Dong said that it will not be excluded that Chuangke enterprises will encounter a little difficulty in the short term.However, in the long run, as long as Hong Kong's rich financing channels, attract more capital from mainland China and other parts of the world to Hong Kong, and increase the intensity of the introduction of talents.The Hong Kong Creative Science Strategy will continue to develop according to its own situation and the needs of the country, hoping to create a peaceful and friendly business environment and strengthen communication with overseas.

For the loss of talents in Hong Kong's innovation, Sun Dong said that the Hong Kong Government is creating a vigorous ecological environment and friendly talent policy and living environment for the resources of university scientific research and talent investment.From the current 50,000 people to more than 100,000 people.He revealed that the Hong Kong Government is studying cash subsidies to attract enterprises to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is developing Shinada Science and Technology City. Sun Dong said that the planning of Heba Shenzhen -Hong Kong Park is nearing completion.Some units are for small and medium -sized innovation enterprises.Shinada Science and Technology City Plan will be launched, with the goal of providing new growth points and a large number of employment opportunities for the Hong Kong economy.