Source: China Maritime Police

On July 6th and 10th, when law enforcement ships of the East China Sea Branch of the China Maritime Police Department launched a key seas law enforcement cruise task, they encountered two incidents of violence against law and violent fishing vessels in violation of laws.Installing "steel thorns" and other methods on the side of the ship, violent resistance to law enforcement ships rely on boarding for inspection.The East China Sea Branch commanded law enforcement ship efficiently and successfully investigated, and designated the Fujian Maritime Police Station to investigate the two violent anti -law incidents.

The Fujian Maritime Police Station analyzes the on -site audio and video materials at the sea to investigate on -site, coordinates professional institutions to identify the damage of law enforcement ships."Violence and anti -law" behavior; timely docking public security, fishery and other functional departments, investigating the information of the ships and crew involved in the case, and simultaneously investigating other illegal acts such as violating the regulations of Fujie, illegal fishing, and driving unlicensed motor ships to ensure that all their legal responsibilities are pursued by all legal responsibilities; Four provinces including Quanzhou, Zhaotong, Yunnan, Yunnan, and Henan, and 5 provinces and 5 provinces and 5 provinces.Evidence disclosure and other methods will break through the interrogation confession and further fix and improve the criminal evidence of obstructing public affairs.

After nearly a month of careful investigation and comprehensive collection of evidence, on August 7, the procuratorial organs approved the arrest of four major suspects according to law, and the two preliminary war against the public official case.(Huang Dejian, China Sea Police Department)