Data Map

According to the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on August 11, the State Council appointed and removed state staff.

Among them, Xu Dachun is appointed as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Earlier, Xu Dayun has served as a member of the party group of the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Xu Darchin (Source of Data Map: Official Website of the Ministry of Natural Resources)

The official resume shows that Xu Dachen, male, Han nationality, born in March 1967, Liaocheng, Shandong, joined the Communist Party of China in January 1988, joined the work in July 1990, a postgraduate degree, and Ph.D. in engineering.

He was the deputy director and investigator of the Mineral Resources Reserve Department of the Ministry of Land and Resources, deputy director of the General Division of the Department of Personnel Education (at the same level), deputy director and director of the Mineral Resources Reserve Department;Director of the Department of Land and Resources and Secretary of the Party Group of Shanxi Province, he has successively served as the director of the Department of Personnel Department of the Ministry of Land and Resources and Director of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources.

In October 2020, Xu Dachen served as the general planner of the Ministry of Natural Resources. In February 2022, he served as the director of the Political Department of the General Administration of Customs and a member of the party committee.