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Written article | Yu Hui

The commander of the Eastern Theater Air Force has been held by Wu Junbao.

According to Nanjing News reports from Nanjing TV News, the leaders of Nanjing have recently visited the Eastern theater, Eastern Theater Air Force and the provincial military region and other grass -roots troops.

The report mentioned that the commander of the Eastern theater of the Eastern theater, Lin Xiangyang, the political commissar Liu Qingsong, Ma Zhewen, deputy political commissar and the director of the political work department, and Wu Junbao, commander of the Eastern Theater Air Force Lieutenant General Zhong Weiguo, the political commissar of the lieutenant general, Zhang Guocheng, the major general of the Provincial Military Region, Han Liming, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor Chen Zhichang, Long Xiang, Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Wang Liping, Chairman of the CPPCC, and Shen Wenzu, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended.

The above news shows that Wu Junbao has served as commander of the Air Force Air Force in the Eastern Theater.

Public information shows that Wu Junbao used to be a chief of staff and division commander of the Air Force Air Force Air Force Air Force Air Force Air Force and commander of the Air Force.

According to the PLA report in 2011, a certain division of the above -mentioned South Air Air Force participated in the anti -US aid and aid North Korea, seven times participating in the land air defense operations, and successively shot down to hit 17 enemy aircraft; 4 times participated in the Capital National Day parade;Explosive mushroom cloud scientific research sampling tasks; hero models such as "Air Force Heroes" Du Fengrui have emerged.

In June 2018, Surging News reported that Wu Junbao, former commander of the Air Force Shanghai Base, has been appointed as Deputy Commander of the Central Theater Air Force .

The leaders and commands of the central theater under the jurisdiction of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Hubei.

Today, Wu Junbao has been new to the commander of the Eastern Theater Air Force.

The leaders and commands of the Eastern theater The armed forces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi Province, and Shanghai .

In early 2016, the Air Force held a conference on the East, Southern, West, Northern, and Central Theater. The then Air Force Commander Ma Xiaotian and the then Air Force and Political Commissar Yu Zhongfu gave 5 theater Air Force flags.

At that time, the official report said that adjusting the formation of the theater Air Force is to focus on the urgent needs of national security threats and effectively fulfill our mission tasks.Essence

After that, Lieutenant General Huang Guoxian, former commander of the Nanjing Military Region Air Force, served as the newly formed Eastern Theater Air Force Commander.In March of this year, Huang Guoxian went to work in the CPPCC National Committee.

The Air Force of the Eastern Theater of Zhengzhijun has attracted much attention from the outside world.

On April 9th, the official WeChat of the "Eastern Theater" released a sound of sound over the Taima Island.

The article mentioned that the Eastern theater continued to organize the tactics of the warup and "Lianli Sword" exercise around Taiwan Island, and the Eastern Theater Air Force Bomber performs the mission to the land.

In April of this year, the Eastern Theater Air Force dispatched air -to -air combat forces such as early warning aircraft, bombers, and fighters.Refine the combined combat capability of the army system.

On July 30 this year, on the occasion of the 96th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army, the leaders of Nanjing made a special visit to the Eastern theater, the Eastern theater Air Force, and the provincial military area, as well as some grass -roots troops.

The Eastern Theater Air Force is a troop with a test of war and excellent warfare. From the anti -US aid to the North Korea, from the air defense to the new era of Fenfi, the majority of officers and soldiers to the party, the southeast of the sword, the vanguard of Yongdong,The victory is the first -class theater Air Force that dares to win and be able to win and be able to win.

Han Liming and Mayor Chen Zhichang of the Municipal Party Committee said that General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Jiangsu to inspect and inspect the eastern theater, giving us a significant and glorious mission and responsibility.

Nanjing is the residence of the heads of the Eastern Theater. It is responsible for supporting the construction of national defense and military construction. It must also have higher positions and stronger responsibility.

Nanjing will always regard supporting deepening of national defense and military reform as a matter of division, fully support the troops to prepare for war, make every effort to strengthen the construction of national defense backup forces, make every effort to solve the "three queen" problems of soldiersThe atmosphere, continuously consolidating the unity of military, political, military and civilians, and the strong forgiving power of the strong army and strong army.

General Lin Xiangyang, commander of the Eastern theater, and Liu Qingsong, the political commissar of General General, said that the army existed for fulfilling its mission, and the soldiers were glorious because of their mission.

"The majority of officers and soldiers of the theater will thoroughly implement the thought of Xi Jinping's strong army, keep in mind the mission and mission, accelerate the ability to win, and anchor the goal of the 100 -year struggle for the founding of the army, and strive to create a new situation in the army building and prepare for war."

Information | Xinhua News Agency People's Daily Nanjing News Eastern theater, etc.