China officially announced that Liu Liehong, chairman of China Unicom, has served as the first director of the National Data Bureau. Le Yucheng, former deputy minister of China, was removed from the position of deputy director of the State Administration of Radio and Television.

According to the news of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China on Friday (July 28), the State Council of China issued a number of national personnel appointment and removal notice. In 2021, Liu Liehong, who served as chairman of China Unicom, was appointed Director of the National Data Bureau.

Chinese official announced the establishment of the National Data Agency during the National Two Sessions in March this year, responsible for coordinating the construction of data basic systems, and coordinating the integration, sharing, and development of data resources.

According to, China Unicom Group held a farewell meeting at the headquarters building of Beijing and farewell to Liu Liehong, who worked for 686 days in the chairman.

Public information shows that Liu Liehong is 55 years old. He has been a director and general manager of China Electronic Information Industry Group Co., Ltd., director and general manager of China Electronic Technology Group Co., Ltd.In 2018, he served as deputy director of the Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Cyber Security and Informatization Committee, deputy director of the National Internet Information Office, and was transferred to the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2020.

In addition, according to the announcement of the Ministry of China on Friday, Le Yucheng was removed from the position of deputy director of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and the vacancy left by Yang Guorui was filled by Yang Guorui.

The national staff of this appointment and removal include: Duan Yijun is appointed Deputy Director of the National Ethnic Affairs Committee; appointed Deputy Minister of Justice of Zhao Changhua; appointed Liu Jun as the Deputy Director of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration;Deputy Director of the State Administration of Radio and Television; appointed Wang Song as the Deputy Director of the National Internet Information Office; appointed Wang Changlin as the Deputy Dean of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; the appointment of Chen Changsheng as the deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council; and appointed Liu Liehong as the director of the National Data Bureau.The position of deputy director of the State Broadcasting and Television General Administration of Radio and Television, which eliminates Le Yucheng; exempts Gao Peiyong's deputy dean of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; the deputy director of the China Civil Aviation Administration of Lulu is removed.