According to "Weifang Release", on July 25, the joint investigation team of Shandong Province issued a notice on the investigation of the actual controller of the Readin Motor Company.

Report on the investigation of the actual controller of Readin Motor Company Li Guoxin

In response to the actual controllers of the Raydin Motor Company, Li Guoxin's online real -name reporting incident, the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government attached great importance to the establishment of a joint investigation team of the provincial and municipalities to conduct in -depth investigations.The investigation team insisted on seeking truth from facts, in accordance with laws and regulations, and comprehensively investigating and verifying the situation.The relevant situation is reported as follows:

I. The Changle County Government that reports reflected in the report does not provide the mortgage renewal support problem to the Raydin Motor Company

After investigation and verification, the parent company of Raydin Motor Company Bigwen Group has expanded faster in recent years, and the funds have become tense.Beginning in March 2022, production and operation difficulties are in a state of discontinued production.

Since 2018, in accordance with Li Guoxin's application, after decision -making by the Changle County Party Committee and the County Government, the county -owned state -owned enterprises have provided a series of financing support for the Bidevin Group to solve the problems encountered in the production and operation of the enterprise.

In February 2021, the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council issued a guidance on strengthening local state -owned enterprise debt risk management and control work, stipulating that local state -owned enterprises did not provide guarantees in principle.After October 2022, Reading Motor Company applied to the Changle County Government twice to ask for guarantee for it.In view of the fact that the company's financing support does not comply with relevant national, provincial and cities, the Changle County Government has not met its application after comprehensive research and judgment.

The investigation determines that the county government should decide to meet the regulations.

2. Regarding the statistical data of local enterprises reflected in reporting

After investigation and verification, the statistical data report of Rayin Motors is basically true.The total industrial output value and commodity sales of Reading Motor Company in 2022 reported 7.095 billion yuan, which was actually 2.552 billion yuan, and the false report was 4.543 billion yuan.At the same time, the investigation team verified the total industrial output value of industrial enterprises in the remaining 327 regulations in Changle County. In 2022, the total industrial output value of 327 enterprises reported a total of 85.929 billion yuan, with a verification number of 82.666 billion yuan, and the overall error rate was low.The above -mentioned relevant data has been corrected in time.

The investigation determined that the Changle County Industry and Information Bureau and the Zhuliu Sub -district Office where the Raying Motor Company was located had intervention statistics data.

3. Regarding the report of the secretary of the Changle County Party Committee reflected in the report, the problem of the corporate statistical data fraud

After being investigated and verified, Wang Xiao, the secretary of the Changle County Party Committee, forced the corporate statistical data to counterfeit or interfere with statistics.After many videos and voice inquiries (currently abroad), they failed to provide relevant evidence.After inquiring the information of the Changle County Party Committee, the county government, the relevant county departments, the town and streets, and the person in charge of the enterprise, they did not reflect that Wang Xiao interfered with statistics.

The investigation determined that the Changle County Party Committee and the county government were responsible for the loss of statistical data of individual counties and town streets.As the main person in charge of the Changle County Party Committee, Wang Xiao is responsible for the main leadership.

Fourth, accountability of accountability

In response to the relevant problems found during the investigation, the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs made the following processing of the 9 responsible persons involved in accordance with regulations and discipline and law:

1. Given the secretary of the Changle County Party Committee Wang Xiao in the party.

2. Give the deputy secretary of the county party committee, the county chief Sang Haiqiang's warning, and the administrative records; the deputy county chief Zhang Yingjie warned the punishment within the party;

3. Give five responsible persons including the director of the Changle County Industry and Information Bureau Jinhai and the Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Zhuliu Street Party Working Committee of the Zhu Liu Sub -district Party Working Committee, which seriously warned the party within the party and had a large government affairs.

In addition, related enterprises that have fallen data have been punished accordingly in accordance with laws and regulations.

The occurrence of

This incident reflects that the uncle and cadres at the grassroots level and cadres of Weifang City are not highly political standing, the work style is not true, and the political performance is not correct. There is no deep understanding of the extreme harmfulness of data fraud, which is worthy of deep reflection.The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have instructed relevant places and units to learn lessons, conduct in -depth inspections, solidify the correct concept of political achievements, and earnestly do the aftermath of events, rectification of problems, and improvement of mechanisms.Carry out a solid special governance actions of statistical counterfeiting, resolutely prevent and punish statistical fraud, falsification, and ensure that the statistical data is true, accurate, and complete.At the same time, further optimize the business environment and promote the high -quality development of the private economy.Regarding the difficulties facing the development of Rayin Motor Company, the enterprise is trying to find ways to solve the path. The two levels of the city and counties have also established a coordinated service class to help enterprises to study the problem.

Provincial and Municipal Joint Investigation Team

July 25, 2023

Earlier reports:

Low -speed car king Reading applies for bankrupt

"Old Man Leyi" Raydin car fell, and its founder had publicly reported the real name of the county party committee