Source: Visual China

Special Author | Editor of Jinhang | Xiao Wang

After 6 and a half years of retirement, Tang Shuangning, the chairman of the former Guangda Group, still failed to land safely.

On July 13, many market participants began to forward Tang Shuangning's related resumes and work information.In the evening, according to Caixin report, Tang Shuangning lost contact on July 12.

Tang Shuangning served as the vice chairman when the original Banking Regulatory Commission was established in 2003, and then served as the chairman and party secretary of China Everbright Group in 2007.On December 12, 2017, Tang Shuangning stepped down as chairman of the Everbright Group.

Tang Shuangning's pride is that in the ten years at the helm of Guangda Group, Everbright Group has been from the funding of not debt to its death, and entered the Fortune 500, becoming a large -scale financial holding group with a full -brand license with an annual profit of more than 50 billion yuan.

In addition to working in the financial field, Tang Shuangning also has multiple identity labels such as poets, painters, prose writers, and calligraphers.He loves calligraphy, and he is even more affectionate about mad grass. The inscription of Beijing's "Financial Street" and the "China Everbright Center" in front of the Everbright Group is the hands of Tang Shuangning.

After retiring, Tang Shuangning was mainly engaged in cultural research and artistic creation, and occasionally appeared in calligraphy and painting exhibitions, poetry recitation and other activities.

In 2013, the US Securities and Exchange Commission had hired Gaogan's children to investigate the business facilitation of JP Morgan Chase, which involved Tang Xiaoning's work experience in Morgan Chase.In 2016, Morgan Chase confessed and reached a settlement with the US regulatory authorities.

Tang Shuangning lost contact this time, and the involved in the relevant departments disclosed more information.

(This article was first released on December 18, 2017, the original title was Tang Shuangning and his "self -enlightenment book")

Double "Twelve" day, 63 -year -old Tang Shuangning "retired" and said goodbye to Everbright Group, who was at the helm for 10 years.At this point, China's first -generation banking regulators have exited; cases rarely from "supervisory high -level" to "supervision" are rare, and they are endorsed.

Tang Shuangning, who loves to show people with white shirts and black cloth shoes, has summarized these years: "I am in my life like most people like most people, go to elementary school, middle school, catch up with the Cultural Revolution, and be workers in the factory.After the party's office secretary, after the resumption of the college entrance examination, he was admitted to the university.Can realize a 'new me "in culture and art ... ... As for whether you can live for 30 years, can you find it, let it go, and listen to the destiny."

Tang Shuangning.Source: Visual China

Lao Tang loves books, rather than three meals without meat, there is no book a day.When he served as the vice chairman of the CBRC, Tang Shuangning once respected the Tao Te Ching, repentance and contradictions. In the past few years of the chairman of Xinguang Guangda Group, in addition to Main Limao and Hundreds of sons, he also loved reading history.

To this day, Tang Shuangning's favorite is these three books: wordless books, negative books and self -enlightened books.Such a three volumes are all -available, but referring to its personal experience, if the bank supervision and the emotions of the Everbright are the bookless books, and various major cases of financial systems are the opposite books, then the Tang's "balance" philosophy may be the self -enlightenment book.Essence.

Director Tang and Bank Reform Wordless Books

To this day, no one can deny that China's bank reform is still a wordless book without historical experience.If you want to see the truth in the book, you can only cross the river with the stone.

In December 1999, Tang Shuangning became the director of the Bank of China Banking Supervision. He sat on an buttocks with a living volcano that was just decorated as a safe and reliable image.

In the past few months, the four major financial asset management companies have been established one after another, and a total of 1393.9 billion yuan of non -performing loans from the four major banks and the National Development Bank.Earlier, China opened the gap in the four major banks of special government bonds to supplement the gap of about 270 billion yuan, making the four major bank nominal capital adequacy ratios of the four major banks at the end of 1997 reached 8%.According to international practice, it is already a state -owned bank that has not debt and technical bankruptcy. After these two unprecedented great benefits, it seems to be new and the situation seems to be good.

Piccrosion can become a good bank?This problem now seems naive and ridiculous, but most people think so 20 years ago.Although the People's Bank of China already had the sound of "good banks need some prerequisites", "prerequisites and bad peeling before and before".

Lao Tang, who was sitting at the active volcanic exit, was obviously sober, but between the external "prerequisites" and the bank's "internal governance", Director Tang chose to make internal breakthroughs.

In 2000, Tang Shuangning proposed the "four -dimensional theory" of bank supervision at a small internal meeting, that is, managing legal persons, management risks, internal control, and increasing transparency.The following year, he officially proposed the theory at the State -owned Bank Supervision Conference held at the Western West Hotel and further practiced systematically.

When the CBRC was established in 2003, Chairman Liu Mingkang discussed with Tang Shuangning and agreed with this method.As a result, the "four -dimensional theory" became the regulatory concept of the CBRC, which lasted for many years.

However, bank reform must be "both internal and external", which is indispensable.Due to the lack of external "prerequisites", in just three years, the living volcano of the state -owned bank was dry and moved again, and the adverse rate returned to more than 25%.In January 2004, the State Council decided to use US $ 45 billion in foreign exchange reserves to supplement the capital of the Bank of China and CCB, and began the "unable to lose practice".

Tang Shuangning, who became the vice chairman and also served as the director of the bank in 2003, was established in 2003, and later formed a famous "three paragraphs" to explain the reform of state -owned banks.

He believes that the reform of state -owned banks is divided into three stages. From 1984 to 1994, the reform stage of the National Professional Bank, the reform stage of the state -owned wholly -owned commercial banks from 1994 to 2003, and the joint -stock commercial bank held by State Holdings after 2004Reform stage.The third stage of reform is divided into three steps: financial restructuring, corporate governance reform, and the listing of capital markets.

In these three stages, the first two stages are dominated by the treatment of standards, taking into account the root cause, and laid the foundation for the reform of the next stage. The third stage is based on the first two stages.Specimen and cure.

Of course, how can the specimen and the rule be a moment.The listing is not the end. From Tang Shuangning's view, it is only another starting point.

Two years after the second capital injection, the Construction Bank of the Workers completed the stock reform and successfully listed.At a meeting of the results of the reform of state -owned banks, Tang Shuangning proposed that the state -owned bank's stock reform was "shaped" after the listing of the state -owned banks, but it has not yet reached the "god -like", which means that in terms of institutional mechanism, management level, and corporate culture construction, it is far from being in placeEssenceLater, on this basis, three allusions were borrowed to form the "three theories" of the stock reform: skin and abdomen theory, like gods, and south of the north.

It is said that Tang Shuangning proposed the "three theories" of Newman, the chairman of the Shenzhen Development Chairman who had just arrived in China. Newman thought for a few days and felt a lot of emotions. Later, he wrote a letter to Tang Shuangning and talked about his own feelings.

In general, from 1999 to 2007, Tang Shuangning was responsible for the eight years of bank supervision. It was a critical moment when the reform of the banking industry in China was also an important year for the establishment of internal and external financial infrastructure.There are questions about questioning, such as the "low -selling theory" of state -owned banks; there are many cases of major cases, such as Jin Deqin, Wang Xuebing, and Zhang Enzhao.But these can not be wiped out the wonderful time -if two laterStarting reforms, the global financial crisis with signs in mid -2007 will definitely drag down the overall process, which greatly reduces the reform effect.

Looking back for eight years, with the internal and external problems of bank reforms, Tang Shuangning was also smooth and smooth.

Water is wealth.Financial practitioners love it.In 2006, Tang Shuangning read out a prose finance he made in public at a financial forum.In the first sentence, it wrote: "Finance is like water, Lao Tzu said: Shangshan is like water. The world is weaker than water, and those who are strong can win." The idea is that finance nourishes social members like water and poured economic development.However, water can carry boats and can also cover the boat.If the water management of finance is improper and the water is initiated, "Mo Zhi can win."

The contradiction transformation practice of Chairman Tang

No. 15, Financial Street A, Xicheng District, Beijing, was located at the location of the China Banking Regulatory Commission.A stone monument stands in front of the door, and the three characters of the book "Financial Street" are written by Tang Shuangning.After an interview, Tang Shuangning greeted all the reporters present in front of the monument to take a group photo.Tang Shuangning should not expect that he will leave the CBRC soon and become a "supervisor".

In June 2007, Tang Shuangning was the chairman of Xinguang Group.

At that time, Everbright Group, one of the windows of China's reform and opening up, had long -term debt and was on the verge of bankruptcy.The society generally believes that in the light, "reform is to find death, and no reform is waiting for death."Everbright Bank and Everbright Group "can only keep one", so it is not uncommon for such ideas.

Tang Shuangning sat at the crater again "good luck" again.However, it may be more difficult than advancing the reform of the Everbright. Perhaps it is, from regulators to the role conversion of the supervisor.

Everbright, Tang Shuangning visited the first chairman of the Everbright Group Wang Guangying, and he created a threshold: "In the government, he is a public servant, otherwise there is no authority;. "Heng batch:" Generally. "

Tang Shuangning later recalled and frankly stated that he was unwilling to be big, but now that the central government decided, he could only obey.The nature of the work has transformed, and the mentality should be transformed.When creating this couplet, there were some "ridicule" and some "knowing", but in fact, they did not fully adapt to this "transformation".Over time, it gradually gradually adapted from "Zhiyi" to "easy", and finally adapted to this "transformation".

Tang Shuangning persuaded the insiders inside the Guangda Group to understand the transformation of contradictions with his own experience.He believes that contradictions can be transformed, and "the contradictions are transformed into the opposite direction in the opposite direction based on certain conditions.""Sitting on the stage today, sitting down the stage tomorrow, this is a conversion; today, the last sentence, tomorrow, this is also a conversion. For more than, who is the question of whose person, this can also be transformed, as long as it is fair, Not your people will turn into your person; unfairness, you will be transformed into a person who is not you. "

In addition to the transformation of contradictions, Tang Shuangning also focused on the "not vomiting" of insiders in Everbright: as required to seek truth from facts as much as possible, to know how to conflict, to know the contradictions, I hope that the wisdom is foolish and open -minded.Naturally, contentment, etc.

What is the biglight of 2007?From this, you can see one or two.

At the beginning of the new, Tang Shuangning said that Everbright was a "Tianshu".He summarizes the big difficulties and problems into "three more, three lows": there are many historical burdens, the group's debt is entangled; there are many affiliated transactions, a set of teams manages two legal enthusiasts;The level of bank management is low, the case is frequent; the proportion of market share is low; the employee's morale is low, and the market image is damaged.

Four words are summarized: the situation is complicated.

However, Tang Shuangning took office only about 50 days, and the Everbright Reorganization Plan that had been running in four years was finally approved by the State Council. At the same time, the first financial holding company license of the first state's shareholding was also included.In just four months, the Central Huijin Company successfully entered the host, and Everbright Bank immediately entered the road of attracting investment.

"The transformation of contradictions is easy to reach the pole, and it will occur in the pole." He rarely talks about the details and twists and turns of the reform of the Everbright Reform, and is more willing to refine the high degree of thinking and share it.Everyone.For most people who have not experienced the "danger" of reform, these theories are inevitable that they are "metaphysical".

But the change is not separated from its ancestors."Transformation" in the process of exercise is exactly the important concept and only philosophy of Tang Shuangning's reform of the Everbright Reform -the first step is always going out, you can only wait for death without going out; even if you do n’t go out, Can always go step by step.

In fact, the prediction of "more and more difficult" is not wrong.

Since then, the Everbright has experienced "money shortage" and "oolong finger", and even Tang Shuangning himself has encountered unprecedented public opinion.Lao Tang's "philosophical thought" is more advanced: any incident must grasp the "degree" and realize the "Tao".In the "roughly" couplet, "go to the corporate cat's waist as the master, otherwise there is no money to make."In terms of finance, the days when Lao Tang took the initiative to contact public opinion farther away.

The three -dimensional life of Lao Tang

However, in the similar time scale, another Tang Shuangning was famous for his fame in the field of art.One -handed mad grass is even more impressive.

How to explain "another"?In terms of his own words, Tang Shuangning, a "three -dimensional", presented in front of the world.Tang Shuangning said that there are three forms of human life. Linear life is the natural life span of human beings, plane life is a professional field, while three -dimensional life is developed in an all -round way.

As early as when the CBRC, there were many people told him, and a cursive calligrapher was also called Tang Shuangning.He would sideway and smiled softly: "Really?" A few years later, Tang Shuangning, the financialist, and the calligrapher Tang Shuangning had become one.His calligraphy, even painting, existed in all corners of the light.

He recalled to the author that his earliest practice of calligraphy started from copying the poster. Later, calligraphy became a way to rest, and later became a hobby, and eventually he could not leave.

Tang Shuangning has practiced various calligraphy bodies, has a soft spot for mad grass, and created his own "flying cursive".The creative theme is unlimited, but prefers to integrate history and Chairman Mao into the works.In 2005, he once rejoiced to the author to show the long calligraphy of calligraphy about the Red Army Long March.That year, Tang Shuangning took the Long March.

Everyone who is familiar to know that Tang Shuangning likes to study the history of the party, and almost all the important events of the party history have been inspected on the spot. He also participated in the review of the second volume of the party history, and has a unique insight for the Long March spirit.

Therefore, Tang Shuangning defines calligraphy like this: Taking Chinese characters as the object, pen and ink paper as a tool, based on the work of outside the book, to vent the art of emotions and create aesthetics.The books outside of this are reading thousands of books, walking thousands of miles, through thousands of things, expressing all kinds of feelings, teachers and long -term people, extending thousands of breasts.This is the three -dimensional life of man.

However, when the three -dimensional life and graphic life cross, Tang Shuangning is happy to talk about the "benefits" brought by it.

He once stated that in 2012, Guangda Bank fought for H -shares to find the cornerstone investors abroad.In negotiations with Taiwan Fubon Group, Everbright hopes that the other party will contribute $ 130 million, but the other party insists that only $ 100 million, and the negotiations are in a deadlock.During the meal, the person in charge of the other party stopped in his crazy grass calligraphy for a long time before the Great Wall, and appreciated it for a long time.

"I immediately decided to give this work with each other, and the other party later stated that it would also increase the original investment of $ 100 million to $ 30 million. Everyone joked that my seven words were worth 30 million US dollars.The word is 4.3 million US dollars. "Tang Shuangning once joked," In the Everbright, I sell both the body and art. My calligraphy and calligraphy has become our best public relations gift, saving a lot of expenses. "

In fact, more than ten years ago, in the Liuli Factory in Beijing, Tang Shuangning wrote "Governance Power"Cooking Xiaoxian" is already expensive.

In 2006, Tang Shuangning's "Mao Zedong Long March Poetry" poems "in Tang Shuangning" "poems" poems "in Tang Shuangning" "poems" poetry poetry poetry "Cursive works appear at the Chinese Art Museum.

"The first 30 years in my life, like most people, went to elementary school and middle school, caught up with the Cultural Revolution, worked as a worker in the factory, worked as a secretary of the party office, and returned to the university after restoring the college entrance examination.Work in the factory; the second 30 years is mainly to work in different leadership positions in finance; in the third 30 years, I hope I can realize a 'new me' in terms of culture and art.Can you find it in the year, let it go, and listen to the destiny. "

Double "Twelve" day, Tang Shuangning, 63, "retired".According to the Internet, he leaves the following paragraph in the circle of friends:

From the university, we have entered the financial field for forty years. In the future, the individual will have three chapters of the Law: In public, one will not discuss the current financial policy; two do not analyze the financial situation;Financial characters make any evaluation.If necessary, you may make some memories of the history of finance, because after all, the parties in this history even have many first -hand materials; they may talk about financial thinking from the perspective of "people", that is, "human -based economics", now almost all are all all are all all of them, almost all of them are all now all are all.It is discussing from the perspective of "things"; it may be the workstation of the workstation of financial culture, financial heritage protection, and financial liberal arts.In the future, the main interests will be put into the research and thinking of literature and history, the spread of Chinese culture, and put into the hobbies of literary and artistic arts.Eight and exotic eight poles to the saints.