Chinese official Saturday (July 1) announced that Pan Gongsheng, the Vice President of the People's Bank of China and director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, replaced Guo Shuqing as the secretary of the Party Committee of the People's Bank of China. On the same day, Pan Gongsheng was likely to replace Yi Gang as the president of the central bank.

This means that the central bank may cancel the dual head system, and has appeared for many years of the first dual -African (non -CPC Central Committee member and non -central alternate member) president.According to the analysis of scholars, this shows that after the CCP set up the Central Financial Commission in March and the Central Financial Working Committee, the central bank expected that the role of economic and financial decision makers will focus on the implementation of the central policy.

The People's Bank of China official website announced that the People's Bank of China held a meeting of leading cadres on Saturday afternoon.He is also deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the People's Bank of China.

Yi Gang has been the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and the Deputy Director of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC National Committee in March this year, and Guo Shuqing has served as the member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the deputy chairman of the Finance and Economics Committee of the National People's Congress.

Hong Kong Media Star Daily and the Wall Media Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday that Pan Gongsheng materials will succeed Yi Gang as the president of the Bank of China.The Securities Times, hosted by the People's Daily, also quoted analysts that Pan Gongsheng is expected to be the president of the central bank after becoming the party secretary.

The central bank has implemented the dual head system since 2018. Guo Shuqing is mainly responsible for the convening of the central bank's party committee, deciding major matters, and responsible for the central bank's discipline inspection and supervision, important personnel and publicity of party affairs; Yi Gang is responsible for the specific business and daily work of the central bank.

If Pan Gongsheng serves as the governor of the central bank, this means that the central bank will cancel the existing dual head system and restore the model of the Zhou Xiaochuan period.In addition, Zhou Xiaochuan was the 16th and 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China during the president of the central bank, and the vice chairman of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; Guo Shuqing was a member of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.It is not the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Committee.

Pan Gongsheng, 60, is a doctor of economics in Anhui and Renmin University of China. He has been engaged in research at the University of Cambridge and Harvard University in the United Kingdom. He has published a number of monographs such as the growth of large international banks.Officials.He was born in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. He was transferred to the Vice President of the Agricultural Bank of China in 2008. In 2012, he was transferred to the Vice President of the People's Bank of China. In 2016, he served as the director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

Analysis: The central bank will focus on the role of technical executor

In the reform of the CPC Central Committee in March this year, the Chinese government formed the Central Financial Commission and the Central Financial Working Committee.

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, was analyzed in an interview with the United Morning Post that under the current external situation, China faces higher financial risks. Therefore, the central government will strengthen the leadership of financial work.The central bank will play a more technical executor.After the overall division of labor is adjusted, the work of the central bank and the party committee secretary does not have to be handled by two people.

The Wall Street Journal quoted sources in February this year that the former chairman of CITIC Group Zhu Hexin was a popular candidate for the next central bank's president. Zhu Hexin had resigned from CITIC Bank in April, and his whereabouts are not yet clear.

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily, the Politburo of the Communist Party of China decided to decide high -level financial candidates at a meeting held on Friday (June 30).The Wall Street Journal of the United States reported that the appointment of the central bank's senior management was decided last week that the official finalized Pan Gongsheng because he has an international background and hopes that he can cooperate with the governor of the world.

Xie Dongming, director of the Research Director of the Greater China of Overseas Chinese Bank, pointed out in an interview with the Morning Post: Pan Gongsheng has served in the central bank for many years and has also served as the director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.more convenient.

Pan Gongsheng participated in many important events of China's financial reform as the deputy governor of the central bank and the director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, including promoting the reform of the loan market quotation interest rate (LPR) reform, interchange opening, and standardized platform economic development.Xie Dongming said that Pan Gongsheng has overseas experience and also participated in a series of open policies; he led the central bank to show that the attitude of opening up the Chinese financial market to the outside world has not changed.