Following the explosion of many state -owned enterprise leaders in China, some Chinese netizens have reportedly reported that there is an improper relationship with a female cadre in the Shaanxi Ningqiang County Party Committee Standing Committee member and the secretary of the Party Working Committee of Gaozhaizi Street.In response, Shaanxi Ningqiang officially announced that Fu Hao was surveyed.

According to upstream news reports, some netizens uploaded video information on the short video platform on June 10, reporting that there was an unfair relationship between Fu Hao and the female cadres of the information department of Ningqiang County Party Committee.

The reporter claimed to be "Du Mousheng, a cadre of the female cadre of the information department of Ningqiang County Party Committee, and a cadre of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Nanzheng District, Hanzhong City."In addition to the report letter, the video also attached a screenshot of many chat records.The screenshot showed that when WeChat owners chatted with Fu Hao, they passed back multiple explicit information back and forth.

Subsequently, the staff of the Propaganda Department of Ningqiang County Party Committee confirmed in an interview that the city was investigating the matter, and related conditions would be announced in time.The Ningqiang County Discipline Inspection Commission also said that it has noticed this matter, and the relevant departments have been involved in the investigation and are verifying.

In this regard, the Ningqiang County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a notification through the WeChat public account "Ningqiang Release" on Monday (June 12), saying that it was reported on the Internet on June 10th.The Discipline Inspection Commission immediately organized a verification.After the study of superiors, it is exempted from a certain job.On the day, Fu Mou was removed from the positions of the Standing Committee and members of the Ningqiang County Party Committee.After studying the Ningqiang County Party Committee, the party secretary of the Gaozhaizi Street Party Working Committee was removed that night.At present, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has dealt with a case investigation.

China recently broke out a number of state -owned enterprise leadership behavior. There are problems with the style of the behavior of the leadership of state -owned enterprises. Hu Jiyong, the general manager of the China Petroleum Corporation of State -owned Enterprises, was revealed last week that after shopping with the female subordinates on the streets of Chengdu, Sichuan, Hao Hao, Chairman of the China Railway Third BureauJust on June 10th, there was a video of holding a lady shopping in Chengdu on June 10.