Liang Yousi, mayor of London Financial City, has arrived in Hong Kong after visiting Beijing, becoming the first mayor of London Financial City, which has visited Hong Kong for four years.

Paul Mccomb, executive director of the Hong Kong British Chamber of Commerce, said in an interview with the South China Morning Post on Sunday (June 11) that Nicholas Lyons just went south to Hong Kong from Beijing, and saidLong usually visit Hong Kong every year, but travel has been restricted in the past few years, so this is the first visit to Hong Kong since 2019.

McCom believes that Liang Yisi's visit to Hong Kong is of great significance, because this shows that the commercial relationship between London and Hong Kong is returning to normal after the epidemic.

The Hong Kong British Chamber of Commerce has held lunch meetings for Liang Yousi on weekends.At the lunch meeting, Liang Yousi discussed the increase in the scale of mutual investment projects and green financing cooperation with about 40 guests.Most of the guests are members of business groups.

Liang Younsi told the participants that he was glad to see that the relationship between the United Kingdom and Hong Kong was still firm, and said that the CITY of London and Hong Kong have common interests, soHong Kong launches cooperation with an open attitude.

Liang Yousi met with Chinese vice chairman Han Zheng in Beijing earlier.According to Xinhua News Agency, Han Zheng told Liang Yousi on the 8th that the economic and trade cooperation between China and the United States has a good momentum and huge potential, and the financial industry cooperation has become a new driving force for pragmatic cooperation between the two sides.

Han Zheng emphasized that China is currently unswervingly expanding high levels of high levels in various fields including the financial industry.China is willing to deepen mutual benefit with the British financial community and promote the sustainable and healthy development of economic and trade relations between the two countries.

McCom pointed out in an interview with the South China Morning Post that Hong Kong is one of the top ten export markets in the UK, and the trade between the two places has not declined after the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020.

British government data shows that in 2022, trade between Britain and Hong Kong increased by 15%year -on -year to 28.5 billion pounds (S $ 48.1 billion).

Hong Kong was the ninth largest export market in the UK last year, with a total value of 18.2 billion pounds, an increase of 40.4%over 2021.Mainland China ranked sixth in 2022, with a total export of 37.6 billion pounds.