The Director of the Hong Kong Medical and Health Bureau Lu Chongmao, Sunday (June 11), emphasized that Chinese human organs distribution and shared computer system have been highly recognized by the WHO and the World Organ Transplant Society.Discuss the establishment of a constant organ transplantation mutual aid mechanism, and maximize the use of the donated organs to save life.

According to a press release issued by the Hong Kong Government Network, Lu Damao led the delegation to attend the "China Organ Donation Day" event at the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University.Internationally eye -catching development, and Chinese human organ distribution and sharing computer system have been highly recognized by WHO and the World Organ Transplant Society.

Lu Chongmao pointed out that the number of organ donations and transplants in the country is growing rapidly. There were more than 5,600 body organs donors, and the total number of organ transplants exceeded 17,000.1. The second in the world; as for Hong Kong's annual remains of more than 30 body donors, only 29 last year, but currently more than 2,600 patients are being transplanted by waiting instruments. Many patients die during the waiting period. The SAR government is actively related to the mainland.The unit establishes the same technical requirements, standards, and processes on the consistency of the proposed mechanism. By establishing the second -level distribution system, there is no suitable patient acceptance in Hong Kong, and the organizes of organs will be donated and paired to the local pairing to make good use of each one.The donated organs provide more opportunities for rebirth for patients in the two places.

Lu Chongmao emphasized that the SAR government has been committed to establishing a culture of supporting organs for many years.Promote organ donation.Organic donation is a great love behavior of selfless dedication and life -saving life, and it is also a very important manifestation of citizen quality.