Deng Bingqiang of Hong Kong Security Director Deng Bingqiang revealed that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will complete the 23rd legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law as soon as this year and next year.

Comprehensive reports from Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency and Sing, Deng Bingqiang said on Saturday (June 10) that Article 23 of the legislation has constitutional responsibility and actual needs.He pointed out that there are four crimes of the National Security Law of Hong Kong, including two of the two crimes of 23 and seven crimes, but the remaining five crimes have not been included.

Deng Bingqiang said that many anti -revision cases are concluded that Article 23 should be adjusted according to the judgment of the court, so that the law can cope with the current and future challenges.He also emphasized that before the completion of Article 23 of the legislation, public consultation will definitely be performed to do a good job of explanation to avoid misleading people.He predicts that Article 23 will be completed as soon as this year or the latest next year.

On the other hand, Deng Bingqiang said when the Department of Justice applied to the court to prohibit the spread of anti -repair songs to be glory to Hong Kong.In addition, it has recently been wrongly described as "national anthem", which is harmful to national security. Therefore, the Hong Kong government must take action.

In response to the specific situation involved in the prohibition order, Deng Bingqiang said that it is impossible to comment in two sentences in general.Criminal behavior.