Written article | Gao Yuyang Liu Yilong

On the evening of June 2nd, the former party secretary and president of the Shanghai Branch of the National Development Bank of the Shanghai Branch were suspected of serious disciplinary violations. At present, the Central Discipline Inspection Commission's disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Disciplinary Examination of the State Development Bank and the Supervisory of Panjin City, Liaoning ProvinceSupervision and investigation.

In early April, Zheng Zhijun, the first round of the central government in the first round of the Central Committee, entered the State Development Bank for two and a half months.

Disappearing in the public view and being checked after two years

Jun Jun was born in December 1963 and has been working in the financial system for a long time.

Juncai has served as the president of the State Development Bank Shaanxi Branch, Deputy Secretary -General of the Shaanxi Provincial Government, Director of the Provincial Financial Office, President of the State Development Bank Jiangsu Branch, President of Shanghai Business Headquarters and President of Shanghai Branch of the State Development Bank.

According to public reports, in 2017, Jun Jun left the National Development Bank and joined the Greenland Group.On October 9 of the same year, Greenland Holdings issued an announcement that Jun Jun was officially appointed as the vice president.Around 2019, he was promoted to the CEO.

According to the 2021 annual report of Greenland Holdings, Jun Jun's term from September 29, 2017 to April 23, 2021.

At that time, the media publicly developed the words and mysterious words to describe the departure of Greenland Holdings.Since then, Jun Jun disappeared into the public vision.

During the departure of the Central Inspection Team

Financial anti -corruption is a key area that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has repeatedly emphasized this year.

On January 9, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection that he should specifically rectify the more prominent industrial, systematic, and regional corruption issues.

On March 27, the first round of inspection and mobilization of the 20th Central Committee was held.For the first time, the inspection was also arranged for the first time three organizational methods of conventional inspections, mobile inspections, and turning back.

Among them, five China Management Financial Enterprises Party Committee, including China Investment Co., Ltd., National Development Bank, China Agricultural Development Bank, China Everbright Group Co., Ltd., China People's Insurance Group Co., Ltd., etc.

Zheng Zhijun sorted out that the five financial enterprises accepted special inspections (October 2015) in the eighth round of the Eighteenth Central Government (October 2015), respectively.moon).

At that time, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said that at the time, it was arranged to look back on some financial units on the first round of the central government.

On April 7, the website of the National Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a statement saying that recently, the Fifth Inspection Team of the Central Committee recently conducted inspections on the National Development Bank's Party Committee to conduct a working mobilization meeting.Yang Zhengchao, the leader of the fifth inspection team of the Central Committee, led the team to settle in for about two and a half months.

Less than two months of the central inspection team, the former party secretary and president of the Shanghai Branch of the State Development Bank Shanghai Branch, Jun Jun, dismissed.

Many people have fallen off

In the field of financial anti -corruption, many people have been raised in the country.

First of all, Zheng Zhijun sorted out. Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, many of the National Bank of China has been dismissed:

  • In August 2019, Hu Huaibang, the former party secretary and chairman of the National Development Bank;

  • In September 2021, He Xingxiang, former member of the National Development Bank and deputy president of the National Development Bank;

  • In May 2023, Zhou Qingyu, a former member of the National Development Bank and deputy president of the National Development Bank.

Among them, like Jun Juncai, Zhou Qingyu also dismissed during this round of the Central Inspection Team in the country.

Zhou Qingyu is still a ghost in the Discipline Inspection Commission.He used to be the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Guohuang Bank.

According to public reports, in June 2015, 13 central inspection teams conducted special inspections on 26 units including the Central Taiwan Work Office.The inspection team adopted a three -deputy structure. Zhou Qingyu was one of the deputy team leaders of the third inspection team.

Among the anti -corruption officials of the National Bank of China, the highest level was Hu Huaibang, the former party secretary and chairman of the State Development Bank.

Hu Huaibang served as the party secretary and chairman of the National Development Bank from April 2013 to September 2018.In January 2021, Hu Huaibang was sentenced to life imprisonment for the first instance of bribery.The court determined that he accumulated more than 85.52 million yuan from 2009 to 2019.

In addition, Zheng Zhijun sorted out, including Jun Jun talent. Since last year, the State Development Bank has many branch secretary and president of the branch:

  • In June 2022, Fu Xiaodong, former party secretary and president of the National Development Bank Henan Branch, was investigated;

  • In July 2022, Rao Guoping, former party secretary and president of the National Development Bank Xinjiang Branch, was investigated;

  • In March 2023, Wang Weijun, former party secretary and president of the National Development Bank Henan Branch, was investigated;

  • In June 2023, the former party committee secretary and president of the Shanghai Branch of the National Development Bank were investigated.