The number of organ donations has recently been canceled in Hong Kong, and Lu Chongmao, director of the Hong Kong Medical and Health Bureau, said on Saturday (June 3) that organ transplantation is basically "Hong Kong organs and Hong Kong".Donating organs will first review whether there are cases in Hong Kong.He also said that citizens should not set up front conditions for organ donation, and believe that this violates the concept of organ donation.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, Lu Chongmao said that the process is smooth and the mechanism is "doing everything".Hope to make the mechanism constant, there is no need to ask the Health and Health Commission. If the mainland detects organs for Hong Kong, it will directly notify Hong Kong.

He reiterated that the mechanism is "Hong Kong organs and ports", which is divided into two floors. Only when organs are suitable for transplantation without Hong Kong people, will the cross -border mechanism start.He said that he understood the donation of organs from Hong Kong people, hoping to first help Hong Kong people and reiterate the listing list of Hong Kong first.

Lu Chongmao also mentioned the spiritual spirit of the donation organs, pointing out that the public donation organs should not "name" and do not set the pre -selection conditions. These behaviors violate the concept of organ donation. Donation is a noble concept., It should not affect the original intention of saving people, and hope that citizens love to donate organs.

He also said that the number of organs donation registered in the actual cancellation of about 2,800 recently, accounting for only a small number of more than 350,000 registers.Doubt, hope the media explains this.Since the end of last year, more than 5,000 people have joined the donation roster and deducted the number of withdrawals with more than 2,000 people, reflecting that citizens still support organs donation.He also said that about 18,000 organs across the country last year can be donated, and about 1,000 organs have failed to match it successfully, so they are convinced that Hong Kong's benefit opportunities are far greater than donations.

I was asked about the government's earlier investigation suspected of maliciously canceling the registration and registration of organ. Lu Chongmao emphasized that the investigation is only for rumors. If the organs donation or there is no registration, it is wrong to cancel the law.I do not want the relevant information to appear again, and the police will also investigate whether there is evidence to prove that rumors make rumors intentionally.