On May 31st, Qingdao Rural Commercial Bank (002958, with a stock price of 2.77 yuan, a market value of 15.44 billion yuan) announced the relevant proposal that will be held on June 20.One of them is a board of directors, the board of supervisors, the senior management and its members of the 2022 performance evaluation report.

Image source: Daily Economic News Data Map

In this evaluation report, the board of directors and the board of supervisors evaluated Liu Zongbo, the president of the bank, and Liu Zongbo was not competent. The original risk director Jiang Wei also evaluated the incompetence.There are also three deputy governors Jia Chenggang, Ding Minglai, and Wang Jianhua.

It is worth noting that Liu Zongbo has been listed as the president of the Governor since the listing of the Youth Rural Commercial Bank in June 2012.In January of this year, Liu Zongbo resigned as the relevant provisions and age reasons for the term of the key personnel, and resigned as the executive director and president of the Youth Rural Commercial Bank.

According to the 2022 report of Qingdao Rural Commercial Bank, Liu Zongbo's total pre -tax salary was 1.4064 million yuan.

In addition, at the end of April, Qingdao Rural Commercial Bank announced that the two of the three deputy governors of the above three deputy governors had resigned collectively, and the reasons for resignation were all age. At the same time, Li Chunlei resigned due to work reasons.

Among the materials disclosed by listed companies, it is rare to evaluate the executive industry.According to the 21st Finance, the reporter called the Office of the Board of Directors of the Qingdao Rural Commercial Bank. The relevant person in the bank said: It is necessary to ask the media contact relevant departments.However, she also confirmed that the aforementioned several people resigned normally due to age or work, and there were no other violations of laws and disciplines.

From the perspective of the performance evaluation process released by Qingdao Rural Commercial Bank, the evaluation of directors' performances includes directors' self -assessment, directors' evaluation, board evaluation, and final evaluation of the board of supervisors.If the results of the annual performance evaluation are basic competent, at least one -third of the remaining basic allowance shall be deducted. If the annual performance evaluation results are not competent, all basic allowances shall be deducted, and the directors will be replaced to the shareholders' meeting according to regulations.Supervisor.

According to the guidance of the bank insurance institution employee's duties in 2019, the rotation requirements of key personnel and important job employees issued by bank insurance institutions' duties and avoidance work.Floor members, heads of internal departments and employees of key business positions shall clarify the requirements of rotation periods and rotation methods, and strictly implement rotation. In principle, the rotation period shall not exceed 7 years.

According to the interface news, in January 2022, Qingdao Rural Commercial Bank was inaccurate in the fifth class of loans, insufficient risk management after investment business, poor employee behavior management and control, loan transfer deposit opening bank acceptance bill, lack of data governance effectiveness, flow of flowing, flowing flowThe misappropriation of sexual funds loans, serious and unsatisfactory real estate loan management, and illegal facts such as credit card overdraft funds inflow into the non -consumer field were fined 44.1 million yuan by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.

Among the relevant responsible persons, 27 were warned and 1 was banned for life.Ding Minglai, Jia Chenggang, Wang Jianhua, and Jiang Wei were all warned and fined.

At the level of performance, in 2022, Qingdao Rural Commercial Bank achieved operating income of 9.944 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 3.43%; the net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company was 2.317 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 24.41%;The net profit of profit or loss was 2.245 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 25.30%.In the credit risk index, the non -performing loan rate in 2022 was 2.19%, and it rose for two consecutive years.

Daily Economic News comprehensive public information, 21 finance, interface news