The derailment of the director of the Industrial and Information Technology Bureau of Liunan District has become a hot topic on the Internet.This incident spread rapidly on the afternoon of May 31, causing widespread attention.

According to WeChat screenshots on multiple online social platforms, a female telecommunications business manager is derailed with the director of the bureau.After the director's wife discovered, the two had a screenshot of the two of them to the city's civil servant group.The screenshot also attached the avatars of both men and women, and the incident further triggered public interest and discussion.

At present, the identity of the director of the Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Liunan District has been recognized as Liang.In this incident, the local government has not issued any formal statements, but many netizens in social media have discussed and condemned in various ways.

The extensive spread of this incident on the Internet once again aroused people's concerns about the personal morality of public officials.The public's trust in the government has been seriously challenged.

Net rumors of chat screenshots

According to the online pictures, the chat between the two has begun from January 19 until May 27.From time to time, I miss you to love you, baby and other words, and some explicit photos.During the dialogue, one side also said that he was not willing to divorce his wife, because the child of the house had not been negotiated, and the agreement was planned. I want a reason.

After the incident, media reporters contacted the Liuzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for the first time and received a reply from a person in charge.He said that the municipal party committee and municipal government have noticed the incident and are investigating. No matter who involves, no matter how big the official positions are, the municipal party committee and municipal government will adopt a zero tolerance attitude.He also solemnly promised that he would explain to the public.

Subsequently, the Liuzhou Municipal Supervisory Committee also accepted an interview with media reporters.A staff member said that he had verified the matter and had sent specialists to Liunan District Industry and Information Technology Bureau for investigation.He emphasized that it aims to ensure that the public can finally get a fair and transparent result. On the afternoon of May 31, the reporter contacted the Liunan District Industry and Information Technology Bureau. The staff said that Liang was indeed the director of the bureau. Today (31st) did not come to work.The record is not clear, but it is learned that the relevant departments have been involved.